big problem, plz help

Well yesterday i made some big refreshing on my PC.
Deleted drivers, installed the newest ones, direct x
update, windows update, anything what u can imagine.

The video card update was a mistake. Everything worked
fine before and now its causing bluescreen / blackscreen.

I have a shitty PC and since everything worked fine, I dont
feel it important to mention everything but my video card is
a ATI RADEON HD 2400 PRO PCI and I'm using WINDOWS XP.

On the bluescreen the error message is:

Bluescreen caused by ATI2DVAG, so it must be with the driver.
I read a lot of topic about the same problems but solution didnt

Please help me, usually i fix everything myself in 2 mins with google
or other knowledge, but now I doubt i can do it.

Any working solution will be awarded with a smile. Unfortunately
its all I can give now.

P.S.: ahh problem is not coming up when i m playing, its more likely
came up when i alt-tab game and tried to browse in IE. and now
even if i dont play just open some page, its still crashes with IE.

Did not notice it with Firefox, I m writing in it now but dont come
up with "use firefox", my PC is dying and i want some working solution
I think the problem is caused by your spacing, it's way off.
Google Chrome FTW!
well, my guess would be that u deleted graphic drivers incorrectly and some leftovers from previous ones are causing some troubles
Download latest drivers for your card but don't install yet
Download driver cleaner pro
Reboot to safe mode
Delete all traces of ATI drivers with driver cleaner pro
Install the drivers you downloaded previously
i will give it a try, thanks, sounds useful
uninstall drivers in windows and reboot
then download driversweeper and boot into safemode and clean ati, you can also clean the other ones if you don't have a device like realtek audio for example. Clean and reboot. Then go into c:windows\system32 AND ""system32/drivers and look for any file named ati.... and delete it. One file might stay but the rest will let itself be deleted.. then install new drivers..

basically it's the same what Elemen7 suggested just with a different programm, you can also use both which I recommend, drivercleaner first tho.. gl
thanks to you too, it seems its working now!
np, enjoy :>
ah btw in safe mode u cannot install / uninstall, will this work with driver cleaner?
Yeah, it will work. Just follow the instructions. Or do what INSTi said.
well i dont want to shout it so early but it seems it worked. thanks!
Reinstall XP or drivers.
Install old drivers.
the way u typed it, u made it look like a song : D
Delete drivers,all ati files,its because you dint clearly delete ALL video driver files.And download drivers,if it dont work,then download old drivers what you had before this uber fail.
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