Russians in your country

Hello CF,
I need your help for my school project. I need your opinion about russian minority in your country aspecialy in post-communist country such as Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine etc. but opinions from western Europe country is good aswell. Thanks for your help :P.
no russians in my country sorry
fuck off, im not going to do your homework, u lazy fuck
Polish only here sorry.
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Aren't you russian who lives in estonia ^^ ?
Do your homework youself. Only ask if its a specific question.
Q. What's the distance between my penis and your arse?
A. 17 inches and I'm still inside you.
that doesnt make any sense
read it again.
i dont wanna
Then you fail to see the funnies :).................
lets be friends
image: Senger-Tierpuppen-Cuddly-bear-large,c00403
oh, an internet tough guy...thats nice
an internet homosexual rather it seems!
Mostly they're Holzrussen-retards like Kazakhstan/Sachsen Sal.
was gibts da zu lachen du opferfritz
I have to move out for summer because of Russians -_-
Russians in turkey:

They cant really behave, because they think they can do whatever they want in their holiday because they payed for it
-> putting as much food as possible on their dishes but dont even eat 1/10
-> stealing your sunlounger every day
-> loud and agressive

russians in germany:

it isnt the same situation as in turkey, becasue i was talking there about the holidays and not about russians who live there. In Germany some russians are really unpredictable and dangerous because they are really violent and agressiv. but there is also a different side. I know some really nice russian people in my city who are very friendly and polite. if you visit them, they are really hospitable and arnt afraid to spend some food / money ... whatever. if you have problems, they dont lose a second a help you out (im not talking about beating someone up ffs)

2 bad that most of the germans have prejudices
'lol why do you make his homework
because i am sometimes a nice person
Russians in turkey:

They cant really behave, because they think they can do whatever they want in their holiday because they payed for it
-> putting as much food as possible on their dishes but dont even eat 1/10
-> stealing your sunlounger every day
-> loud and agressive

doing the same

where is the problem?
there are three types of these fuckers 1) the laying low kind, keep their Russian background to themselves due to being either ashamed of it or afraid of racism / secretly hating Finnish people 2) arrogant, greedy, impolite & dumb thieves 3) tourists who visit Lapland / those who own a summer cottage somewhere in Finland (the coolest kind; the less time they spend here the better)

and also the Russian accent when speaking English is horrible
Should ban them from Estonia. sorry vessar.

like 75 % of prisoners in Estonia are Russians:D They do more harm than good
+1 , was just gonna write that most crimes in estonia are done by russian speaking citizens or non citizens.
Also when i hear about estonians commiting crimes abroad i feel ashamed but it always turns out to be a guy named jevgeni.
niggers of the east
Well i can tell you those russians piss me off in HoN
Well prolly not you but those fags who cant speak english.

I mid bec me relly goot wit polly
OMFG lerrt my mida polly isss goot foar mid
For all guys who say "do your homework yourself": This is a part of homework and I thought it would be good if I ask and get some opinion from people from different country. I just don't want to put in presentation only information from wiki and google, that's all. Thx for serious commets :).
do your homework yourself
do your homework yourself
Parent kill all russians
Never met a russian in Belgium. I doubt there are a lot (luckily).
the rich chicks are hot
party hard with lots of alcohol

cannot behave
bad test of food
du e försvenskad
Uhhm lets say on one cool Russian comes one-hundred shit Russians
What's wrong with them :<
nice pic in ur profile :)
As someone already mentioned earlier, whenever I hear/see some crime news, I can only see russian names in it.

Sure, some of them are nice, act nice and cool, but most of them are criminals who nerd CS until the clubs are closed.
Well I for myself know quite some russians / german - russians.
Most of them are quite ok if you get to know them, on the other side there are of course dickheads around mostly from not integrated families. Just like every other nation they can be violent or can be cool guys, stereotyping is retarded for that matter. Chicks are mostly fine :P and they know how to party. :D Concerning violence: Its mostly (~70%) turks being in prison, so can't really say they're more criminal than for example germans...
In Estonia: Younger Russians are mostly punks and retards.

In Finland: They are normal. Dont cause much problems and dont stand that much out.
In finland :DDDDDDDdd

QuoteReal name: Vitali

tells enough
im not russian btw, dont even speak it
I have beated lots of russians :))) Only know like 2 decent guys who live in Finland, others are the rats who think they can do whatever they like :)) I have also been in court few times and testified (dunno if it's the right word) against them and few of them got oneway ticket back to Siperia hehe

Okay maybe not completely like that, they just point out from the mass because theyr foreigners, i have prolly been more in poroblems with finns thatn russians :P
thiefs, junkies, hooligans

some gals are hot tho.
Subwave plays rly nice dnb, and thats what i think about russians.
Well today i met some russian girls on my university. Rly nice and cute girls ;) hope will know more about they on wensday ;)
Of course they are nice for you for some time but truth is that russian girl will bring her whole parents and relatives to your country. And at the end she will leave and think how stupid european male can be. I am not trying to stop you meeting them but anyways you have been warned!
haha :D i dont i would be able to have more than some fun with girl I can't fluently talk with. I'm lerning russian for 2 months and her polish is awful ;)
they bought all the iphones so I can't get one now
why the hate, m8 :D
but it's true, all rus and est ppl buy the iphones when there are some in the shops because they can't buy them in their own countries :)

and I want iphone :(
Isn't this again kinda rassism here?

It's same like all muslims are terrorists.
Beeing a nigger coz you are black.
Beeing a jew is an insult.
Beeing proud of beeing german and showing your flag and you are a nazi.

And what i read in the German teletext:

Q: What do you think about the Koran burning?

- 200 Yes!!
- 50 No!!
- 2 don't know.

Oh ye, let's burn the bible.. ah ye it's against the law.
QuoteBeeing a nigger coz you are black.

well, people here answered that russians are mostly bad but there are exceptions. Imho the behaving of Russians is because of their ideology in past (they thought that they are more then Estonians when they came to Estonia for example) and different lifestyle then western. In my view the problematic Russians are mostly middle-age or old communists who are literally pissed off that they "lost" against west. Ofcourse I'm not living in Russia so I'm probably mistaken but I have a russian friend and she is really nice person. You should know what happend in Baltic country to know why there is problem with russian minority. So it's not Russians = bad person, it's just historical clash (like Czechs x Germans after 2.ww).
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