topic = "al7"

body = al7s rep: xfire spammer gone bad, and a public noob

he kills puppies in his spare time, smells his sisters underwear, and sings prision break theme on vent. Discuss

[al7([email protected])] i did so much for u
[al7([email protected])] and still u throw it away like a woman's
[al7([email protected])] :(

more emo than England sheep now as well :*(
9 acc ftwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

QuoteMy skill is a falacy, although i am offically regarded as being a top 3 UK Rifler!
stop stealing al7's thunder this is for him :(
is there enough attention in this world to satisfy you people
he asked me to make a journal and told me exactly what to write :( hes a bigger attention whore than me and perfo put together :D
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