so i like browser wars

using chrome and firefox atm
BOTH portable
only a retard like photosynthesis would use IE:)))))) but thats cuz he doesnt know how to install FF nor chrome:))))

pc noobs always using IE:))))))
i use firefox, thx :P
i use firefox, thx :D
chrome is the fastest :>
Firefox is laggy imo. I'm using Safari and Shiira occasionally.
firefox, chrome and opera are all great but my choice is ff, as its fast, stable and really really useful plugins for downloading, ad blocking, web dev etc

even ie9 looks promising

safari... fuck apple

The plugin argument for FF is old and outdated
chrome for random browsing, opera for passwords and stuff, firefox for... erm, nvm, but it's useful :), IE is there because it has to :/.
IE8 (with clean history) when some1s at my place.
ffx but flash crashes all the time :<
So I'm not the only one with this problem?
Firefox and Chrome :)
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