webbsite animation help =)

Heey, got webbdesign and this week we're making a graded webbsite

So im like almost done, but i need to make some animation flash/gif to even get graded :o

so i wonder if u maybe got some nice idea for me or maybe some nice site with tutorials, i've jused flash like 1 time before so no leet stuff please :D!

image: enviouscopy

no niggers on my site ":D"
Animate those headers to light up / different shadings would be quite easy to do
Yea was thinking about someting like that actually :)
yeh put the blacks fieldops in there and when u move your mouse on him he becomes white
Jackson style
My zygomatic muscles haven't even slightly moved.
oh well it must remind u of your "trolling" which when u read u feel asmhed for the epic failness on trying to be funny
Not really :S I assume my "failness" sir. But keep trying. ;{)
Just make a simple banner-roulette.gif, soldiers changing there.
About to get graded and you cant do simple shit like this. You must be extremly dumb or your level of education is fucking shit, my guess is both.

Anyhoo, alot of tutorials can be found here:

lol you got me there
Why the hate tho? i've had 5 webbdesign lessons so far where we've learned some basics only. (slices and dreamweaver) nothing with animations and shit. This is webbdesign A u fucking moron and the course aint done untill next year + its a introduction to webbdesign. And you stupid fin, dont you think i've used google? and where in my text did i wrote i couldnt find any flash tuts? i just asked for some nice site if some one had one in mind..

clueless moron
You ask for tutorials, but you got tutorials. 5 lessons? I asumme 1 lesson 90min or so, and they didnt teach you this stuff? Retarded.
Ofc i ask? like there is just ONE tutorial site? So you say they should teach us animations before they let us know how to actually build a site? Its like teaching some one to run before they can walk. Why do u even comments this journal when every comment you make makes you look even more stupid. Retarded
Yeah well, smart people (obviously not you) do study on their own, especially when you go to webdesign/coding. 1 tutorial site-comeback from you was nice, made me smile and also reminded me what a wise man once said: Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Well for the info im one of the best in my class And have high grades in all the design lessons, so go ahead call me stupid. And you also seem to belive that after five lessons the students should be able to make a top notch site, as i said its a introduction to webbdesign to learn the basics nothing else. Do you even have any experince in photoshop/webbdesign/animation at all? if so i'd like to see any of you work. since you seem so good and well educated in this subject. You also seem to know alot about the terms of education in the courses. And you should also know then that i have around 5-4 years left of education. under those years i can choose if i want to be educated FOR REAL in webbdesign if i where on that course then i would understand you comments.
top notch? Quote me where I demanded people have to be able to do it. Second of all, I am specialized in c++, I only completed the 3 courses last year which must be completed, I dont think the sites I did are longer existing, all of them were removed right after the day we presented them to teacher. Didnt read your whole message, cba.
Well you seem to have high expetations for some one who've read webbdesign for 5 lessons?
I'd also like to know the quality of the second site u ever made, doubt it was better than this. Buf that ofc depends what kind education u have in the background.
Ah second site I ever made? It was years ago, when I was learning it myself. Site I created as school-project was decent imo, tho im not the right person to judge my own creations.
judge my second site ever then (this) You dont think my site is decent?
It's shit m8 :S
le irony i hope =D
Haven't even seen it xDDDD
:D click "The site" then! have made some changes now tho :p
why didnt u choose c# or java instead of c++?
When you click on any of these texts, it should slide up and take the place of the actual "ENVIOUS" one.
id rework the colors of the text.
they are not that clearly readable and on my very first look at the site, i didnt even think about shoe being the categories
Well must be your screen settings or something like that (or mine) Because i can see the site perfect (did have the problems you mentioned before tho) but fixed them, atleast on my screen lol
ive got a perfect screen with good contrast settings but the thing i m talking about has to do with the orange font on the yellow background.
that simply doesnt fit well and i think that still has potential to improve.
the rest is already really nice!
Ah okey i get your point now :) thanks for the tips tho :- )
but isnt flash getting old anyway?
indeed its ok for the right things but was majorly overused in the years after it came out. and now there is silverlight anyway which you can do a lot more with.
its website, not webbsite, maybe thats why u dont have any ideas...
You mad cause my site looks better than your shit site? btw nice logo ":D"
Your page looks more like it was designed by 12 years old boy than being made by guy who is taking webdesign lessons. I am not graphic, I am programmer/developer, I dont have imagination for visual stuff, thats why I am not doing it. My design serves its purpose and all I care about is the functionality of my site (its still shit because its more than 4 years old and atm I would do basicly everything in different way), if i needed something good looking, I would hire somebody to do that.
QuoteYour page looks more like it was designed by 12 years old boy than being made by guy who is taking webdesign lessons.

:D haha okey!
is this your first year with IT?
second year IT-Media, but first time with webbdesign. Not into that IT with coding programming etc
cause if you had only one class with flash, i can't imagine the requirements being too high?
Nah theire not, but i want highest grade so i need something good :PP
just do something simple then, with the headline or something
sorry but i dont like it
:( dont u have a sense of taste man !?
the background is nice but the font sucks and is too big.

and ofc i have sense of taste. But i like professional stuff ;)
Yea font could be better, but i have just formated the school pc and lost all my old fonts :<
I also love the "professional stuff" and im working hard to get there :) i like that second page u linked, love the colours and the style of it is very nice :)
use flash cs4 or better cs5, adobe have made it pretty nice to make animations now without a lot of experience, at least pretty simple ones
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