Slarto quitting

Theres been so many quit-journals in the last couple of days, I decided to make my own.

Um so yes, bye bye

Shoutouts to everyone I played with

image: 4338_desmond

cu in 2 weeks
or less
Theres been so many quit-journals in the last couple of days, I decided to care.
cu someday, il miss you. pros for life <2
I want to believe <3
Saying goodbye
Was the hardest thing to do
I never thought I would
Especially not to you.

You always listened
And knew what to say
Knew when to give a hug
When I was having a bad day.

No one will ever take your place
I can always promise you this
It’s hard to find someone like you
So know you’ll always be missed

atleast you can release that crouchkey now
I'll be crouch-toggling in Fallout now

image: Deal_With_It_Cover_2_op_640x1001.53131502_std
cu back on friday
23.00 cet Crossfire community-vent?
fuck yeah!
the things players you own end up owning you
Wrong, I got owned by everyone since always

and I dont want to end up dying like whales on the beach
No pls
You are the reason I keep playing ET
Pls bro :( <333
I might continue my career as a moviemaker though. Perhaps I could make your movies from this point on?
That's just no. I couldn't handle ET that way as it is now. I mean playing knowingly I will never play againts you again. NO.
My frags don't deserve you.
But seriously, don't quit!
pls jätä ne leegolaadut vaa omiis :D
aattelin jos alkas tekemää ihan kunnon leffoja hyvällä editoinnilla ja grafiikalla :)

hyvät musathan mulla oli jo.
kyllästyt kaikkee liian nopeet.. ne jäis ain keske :P
en kyllästyis ku toisten fragit kyseessä
sama se on kenen frägei ne o :D enkä tuu mesee ku alan kattoo vesku leffaa :D
oisin pistelly vähän linkkejä
ja voisiks tulla vaikka meseen
Quoteimage: 4338_desmond

You gonna respawn?
nice troll
bye EstoniafrEeze

oh wait
profile pic stealer
desmond <3
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