trackmania nations forever maps?

good morning gents,

i was wondering if there is anybody out there who's also playing trackmania nations forever.

me and my mates are bored of the custom / standard maps so i would like to ask if there are any free maps to download and which are worth to dload?

thanks so far, have a nice "bergfest" ;)
any screenshots available maybe?
do you know how to load it on the server? we're playing at work and i was wondering how i can upload it. getting an error message "unable to read the playlist file" :(
nah i dont im pubonly ; d try to google it
go on some speed servers and you have the bestest maps in trackmania.
speedtracks ftw
tech/speedctech > fullspeed
Just check out tm-exchange, they got loads of cool maps on there.
ofc alot et players are playing Trackmania :)
creat ur own one
simple easy to make some
takes age :(
not realy i did one in some minutes and a lot of guys loved it :D
xD depends how many textures / size u did
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