P2P IP Tracking

Whilst browsing torrentspy sometime ago I read on one of the threads, dont download this torrent uk ISP's are tracking it, someone replied thats ok use this program called peer guardian to block any organisations tracking your activities.
I ignored the torrent (battlestar galatica and i really wanna see it :<) but downloaded the program, I set a torrent going tonight and put peerguardian up and running to track what was going on in and see whether it actually blocked anything, or did anything, the results were quite amazing. This is the list of blocked IP's from PG in the couple hours that I've had my torrent for "The Departed" downloading:

image: pg
image: pg2

Now I whilst I could be described as technically retarded when it comes to all things electronic, but thats pretty scary that these companies are trying to track my torrents. Whilst I'm fully aware that torrenting is far from legal and I can understand why Time Warner are there and a variety of entertainment and communication companies are there, however some strange entries:

AAFES? AAFES is the Army and Airforce Exchange Service (a support service for the american military, one of the largest retail outlets globally serving only to the american armed forces)

Greek Public Administration Network? The greek internet is pooey, who would have known they could track?

China Railcom?

There are so many fucked up entries and I really dont know what to make of it. Why are these people tracking p2p downloads, additionally, are they actually allowed to? (I'm fully aware I shouldnt be doing it in the first place). Strange entries, but a big reminder to me that I gotta use this program more often :P

You can download it here http://phoenixlabs.org/pg2/

I'd really be interested if anyone with a brain on the subject could shed some light on to what those companies are looking for.

sounds like a bullshit

just dont download from public trackers and your fine
Just dont use public trackers
Dont know anywhere better than torrentspy and piratebay for a wide variety of high quality stuff. Where else is there?
oink.me.uk for music (I see your a member there)
torrentleech.org for anything else (TV/Movie scene releases)
bitmetv.org for all tv shows under the planet:>
But for things like oink you have to have a ratio and you have to do something with a port on your firewall and you cant use bitcomet etc etc.
Are those other two like that?
Yes they are, and there like that for a reason. The whole bittorrent system relies on you sharing, so not having a good ratio is kind of like shooting yourself in the foot in terms of download speeds. That 350mb of battlestar you just downloaded from torrentspy has had to be uploaded by someone else. Opening a port on your router will let you connect to more people and upload faster, thats why its highly reccommended. As for the bitcomet bans on most trackers, its because you used to be able to cheat your ratio, tell the client you'd uploaded more than you actually had.

Anyone reading this who just uses torrentspy to download at 20kb/s really is missing the full potential of bit torrent:>
I downloaded FM2k7 off a public wifi at WCG in under an hour off torrentspy. It brought me hours of fun, why you gonna play a brother like that :(
you obviously dont get that really the only bonus point for a private tracker is the fact old torrents are still supported by a good number of seeds and the initial release time of torrents is generally quicker,

you put your tvtorrents.com torrent of lost with 1000total seeds/peers against my eztvefnet torrent with 50-60,000 total seeds/peers and you really wont find much difference in speed
Nice theme ;O
We're not all so privileged to be allowed access to private trackers. I'm not internet-savvy enough to be permitted entrance to the realm of privacy, and it hurts. My mother used to respect me. No longer. NO LONGER.
wow peer guardian, welcome to a couple of years ago tosspot lol
I give myself a bad name
awww at least I <3 you
/edit You are incomprehensibly mean :<
nice program toss
if any of you think private invite trackers aren't open to the same watchful eyes of the companies that companies who own the copyright employ to find IP's, then you are SOOOOO wrong it's almost laughable

pretty much anyone can get an invite to ANY of the sites people list of this website, and seeing as the invite only sites normally have the latest torrents with uploaders who are doing triple figure GB transfers... they are the people the **AA is actually targetting.

the reason so many different random ips are being found tosspot is as I said, companies like Universal or Time Warner employ third party specialized companies to find uploaders, who use multiple random ips. You really think if TW wanted to find people downloading their movie, they'd set up a honeypot on their own network with the ip records clearly displaying they own the netblock?

then you also have the fact the IP watchlist that peerguardian uses is somewhat open to fakes, just the same way email blacklists sometimes include non spamming IPs
The RIAA dont just target random people then?^^
they decide to go after the latest song/movie and will ask a third party to get ips of all torrents for it. if the third party company decides to they can go after whoever, but when you go after a private torrent where the uploaders are doing multple GB of transfers it's pretty fucking easy to get a log file, then you have the whole part of the prosecutor currently asks for the defendants hardrive to gather evidence and then finds mr private tracker member has 500GB of other pirated music, win win win
But, what use is an IP when they can't connect it to a person/computer? ;)
yeh cause thats not possible :) *cough*
Of course it's possible, but that'd be very resource consuming. Yep, my only protection is their greed.
you ever heard of a subpoena and the DMCA? they simply go to your ISP and say, I've started a court proceding against one of your customers and I need their info, thats how they currently do it in the US
Well, it's good that I don't live in the US, then.
Do you think that PG is actually blocking anything worthwhile?
of course out of every x amount if blocks x will actually be a bad peer, does it block too many decent connections? well look at your transfer speed and decide
So PG will block most of the investigating ips and some legitimate ips?
I dont mind losing a few Kb/s if its means noone is snooping around on my pc.
Can they detect if u are using PG?
Get a tinfoil hat, it'll keep you just as safe without blocking a ridiculous amount of legitimate IPs.
Most of these guys are probably downloading for their own use from work =)
That's what I was thinking. Remember that every time another peer connects to you it'll give you a hit on that (I guess, I might be wrong - not an expert on torrents).
good thing german ISPs are not allowed to log IPs :O
yeap... in Finland we have made a contract with ISP what says almost like "ISP is not allowed to share personal informations blaaa blaa blaa...."

...but... if police has a permission with a judge's autography..... then.... "you can run, but you can't hide" :p
lemme see the banlist pls :d
those are local IP's??
someones been dling a litle bit too much porn...
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