WLAN probs

So, I've got WLAN and a stupid sister who's listening to music from Spotify all day long, which makes my ping get to about 400. How can I limit her max net usage speed?
Was thinking of a 80% of the net for me, rest for her. But dunno how, so u tell me
netlimiter on her pc
i was wondering same
trial & error
when she is absent @ home, install netlimiter, hide it and enjoy your ping
just gimme her pw and I'll do it. Was thinking exactly that, but can't access her pc..
if she has winxp, easy bash, use safe mode to install (no pw needed)
dunno about vista/7
she's got vista
try safe mode too?
or use google first^^
Sneak up to her PC and set a BIOS password to it. Being a woman she is very unlikely to know how to reset CMOS.
tell her to fuck off, or ask parents for bettah net :)
Told her many times, then I take WLAN off and connect the cable to my pc.
After 2 mins she comes back, and takes the whole fucking modem with her ffs..
LoL your sister > you
When you know, thats she needs to go somewher ask her if you can lend her desktop because you want to try to install smth which isn't working on your computer.
80-20%, best brother ever
U bet ur ass I am :DD
whats your speeds?
Ban her ip at router settings
If I do that, she comes complaining "MY NET ISN'T WORKING WHAT DID U DO?" and takes the cable to her pc, or modem to her room..
Insert a virus on her comp.
Set up some ssh server (I dunno if there's one for Windows, but wutever) on her PC and then start remotely shutting it down for the lulz when she's taking up too much bandwith.
slap her, and ask her what's she's thinking, listening all day to music and not making your sandwich
Install netlimiter on her computer.
As I earlier said, I don't have her pw, cant access her pc, If I could, i would have installed netlimiter already.
I read it right after sending my comment. I guess she named her windows profile to something and doesn't use the administrator profile.

1) Edit/Recover the password of the administrator profile (not of her profile).
2) Log on to the administrator profile. Install Netlimiter ulterior. I did it once, so it must be possible.
For admin pw recovering, I need a CD with that program on it?
By default, administrator has no password, normally you should roll right in.
Yes, u need to write it onto a cd. Try quazz' suggestion at first. If the administrator profile doesn't appear on the log on screen, reboot again, press f5 all the time, start the safe mode, then u should be a able to log on.
how about asking if you could install netlimiter? it wouldnt affect her that much.
take her pc out of the kitchen first
:D:D::D:D:D:D best answer 2010 :D
dickslap her and say fuck yeah
Most decent routers these days have a bandwidth limiting option built into them, have you logged in and checked?
That one's old. Tried to look for a limit in options, but I didnt find one
start 9000 torrents and ruin her spocify stream instead
Start seeding shit on public torrent trackers with full bandwith as a revenge. Neither of you will be able to use the connection, but hey, at least she gets a taste of her own medicine

E: lolcat ;(
Delete her password through cmd?
I just terrorize my little sister, i tell her to download them and save, not stream. :)
I have got the same problem , i know how you feel :(

Spill some kind of drink on her pc so it fries :)
"Oops. Sis' I accidentally spilled 1,5l of coke on ur pc. Sorry"
say it was your cat :)
block 4070 port from routter. That is one solution it should prevent login :) hf&gl
there's no need to install netlimiter on her pc. Use router QoS and set the bandwith per cent.

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