Razer wire fuckup

Due to a pretty low sens and a worn out mousepad I've discovered that the wire of my Razer DA is totally fucked up:

Normal wire[/b]]image: img0005ep

Mine :G[/b]]
image: IMG_0015image: IMG_0016

For those that actually own a deathadder, you'd know that the wire has a certain layer around it and it's this exact layer that has totally worn out, probably because of the friction.

It's pretty fucked up and it's kinda blocking my mouse movement... and I'm wondering if I'd be able to just peel it off somehow? Any other people who had this?
no, mx518 here
the new wire on deadadder sucks, g5 had same before.

edit: ofc u can pull it off
How :(

Don't wanna break it.
take a craft knife or something and cut from the plastic of the wire out away from the center so you dont damage the actual cable?
Put sometihing there,like tape
image: 6b3469586f6c31706b6e383d

mag ik is wat zeggen
haha die haagse trol ;D
take scissors and cut down the outer layer and peel it off, not rocket science
I'm just wondering if the layer below it is solid enough. It's regular plastic like normal mice wires but it looks kinda thin to me.

They must have placed that upper layer there for a reason °°_.
possibly, but when something like that happens to your mouse, its worth buying another one until your current one breaks, unless you already have a spare..but personally if its snagging the wire and affecting your aim, just cut the outer layer off..worse comes to worse you still got another mouse to use
That "upper" layer you're talking about is to prevent the wire becoming tangled.
made me smile
Rub that shit with vaseline, lekker glijden!
eey draakjespro
lol zit ik in die clan nu ofzo
yes for nc, we need a 4th to sign up
oh well thats sounds nice, but dont have et atm.

broke my pc.
care, as long as you are in the team @ cb its ok
gaan jullie me ook bij line-up zetten als jullie 3o3 gaan spelen ?:PPPP
ja op gamestv :P
well thats nice of you guys.

Snake in disguise
Take a small knife(sharp, not big). And carefully cut the outer cloth layer off. Then just be carefull with the wire(you could do an extra layer of thick tape over it to protect it.

As long as you dont cut INTO the inner wire there is no problems whatsoever ;)
logitech rx300 ftw
Take a small or big scissor (sharp). Then carefully pick up the wire. Open your scissor and put the wire between it. Now close your scissor with as much force as you can. Keep repeating this process untill you can play wireless.

As long as your pc has bluetooth you can now play wireless.

(btw: DA is giving too much trouble, I'm getting another mouse as soon as I got money. It's great for aiming, but always breaks down fast)
especially mouse3 button
yeah my mouse wheel is so fcked up. Sucks because my luger, packs and needle are bound to that. Scrolling up or down means that it randomly starts switching between 2/3 of those binds.
u've been eating your wires ?!
doesn't netcoders have costumer service for these kinds of problems?
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