no sound on win7 :/

I have just installed win7 32-bit and there is no sounds through Headphones :/

image: soundsg

my motherboard is m2n-E Sli

there used to be more options to choose between in that picture, Speaker,Headphones and something called Digital, and I have already download the Realtek sounds for the motherboard still aren't working. hope some1 can help :=)
Just installed myself win 7 aswell, and the sound works but it does "croak" littlebit sometimes .l
ya my old PC was fine, but this one no idea :/
Install drivers :D?
plug into right hole?
try other headset?
Do you have speakers and headphones connected at the same time?
Are you trying to connect your headphones to a possible front-panel audio port? If yes, have you connected the case's cables properly to the motherboard's connectors?
no, got only headphones connected from back.
Well, did you properly install the audio drivers? You can fetch the latest ones from the Asus site, I can't give you a direct link there because it's a javascript-spawned piece of shit, but navigate here: and input your motherboard model to the search box. Then pick 32-bit Vista as your OS, as there's no official Windows 7 drivers out it seems (luckily Vista drivers work in many cases).
I will try 2morrow going sleep now, ty :=)
get win 98 back!
w7 should basically find you the best drivers according to ur devices. keep updating
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