buried (2010)


someone saw it? or gonna see it?

it came out in cinema today (or tomorrow) in my country and me and few mates wanted to go

if you saw it gief me your opinion about zeh movie

sincerely yours,

youknowself le anima
poppin bottles in the ice
like a blizzard
I've read its good, haven't seen it yet though
If they really reached such a good rating with a 1man movie, I'd go out and watch it :>
7.7 imo
dvdrip out?
shit movie...better waste your time while watchin porn
Everyone I know who've seen it said it was shit :(
the ending is cool
It's a "ineedtokilltime" movie. Nothing special.
it's not a great movie, but it makes you think :D
saw exactly the same :D
shoulda left out 2010 :D
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