Wolf:ET friday night :PPpPP (.fi)

merc avi all night long because i have no life :))))) /msg mana` @ Quakenet heeheh

Just came home from work, pizza in the oven and some nerd cola cooling on the fridge :))))
first friday at home after my first army week
boom bye bye in a jewish bwoi's head
u get along there? :)
yeah its fun, a lot of laughs, the drive is 5 hours but it's not that bad
it's going to get harder in each week though, in 2 weeks im getting m16 :o
Well, you are not claiming so, but if you are staying at home at Friday evening, it has nothing to do with "having life" or not :p Although some kids think so when they are in their 15's and 16's.
Agree, but in that age you can't have enough money to go out twice a week. (Or you're spoilt).
why's the coca cola on the fridge? i'm positive that it'd stay cooler if you put it inside
It's colder on the fridge in lapland than it is inside! :FFFf
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party hard tonight :P
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