Prison break ==> spoiler

i think episods become more and more unbelievable, in few one, Aliens will attack or smth.
Producer says that 7 seasons are planned Oo
7 seasons :| couldnt hardly imagine a 3rd season

They escape from prison

they get put back in prison

they escape from prison

they get put back in prison

they escape from prison

they get put back in prison

they escape from prison

they get put back in prison

they escape from prison

they get put back in prison

they escape from prison

they get put back in prison

they escape from prison

image: spoiler
Lost is teh shit. It realy becomes more and more shitty with every new season. PB is doing alright, though season 1 > all.
man Prison break is such an, dunno what i didnt watch it from start so.. LOST > PRISON BREAK Sweden
dude, i could kill you, how can you say LOST > PB, lost is so shit crab man, i watched season1 and just quit it then, Pb has some reality atleast man, ANY SERIE > LOST
punk buster?
rofl where did u heard that? 7 seasons noway
who care , die pls
boy or girl ?
im a boy , remember you sucked my balls for play on ettv with crime vs xh.lan
just asked shoutout , dno how to suck you balls if u are a girl : o
im not a girl ;)
LOST was my fav serie last year, but now prisonbreak > *.
Quote by eCenProducer says that 7 seasons are planned Oo

you have a link to that statement ?
its not because there r 2 or 3 seasons that u have to whine that its too long

imo the story goes fast enough, already 2 dead from the 8, that son escaped, they got the money and now all of them are heading to mexico/panama

doesnt sound that they r gonna make it 7 seasons if it goes that fast, imo 3 not more
when they get in panama, there might happen something else like one of the brothers might die, and then the other of the brother goes for revenge or something, and it might bring a whole new story for it.

EDIT:reply button fucked up?
yes its fucked up!!
x-files > *
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