my cat has to die
27 Nov 2010, 14:07
she is 19 years old and just vomited like 4 huge hills of cat food. (have to clean it now uargh)
probably gonna be some of the last days with my beloved "schnurrli" :(((
some empathy? :(
cats should not be able to die , too cute they are! :(
probably gonna be some of the last days with my beloved "schnurrli" :(((
some empathy? :(
cats should not be able to die , too cute they are! :(
I only like them when they're @ kittens, but sucks when any pet is put down :3
My cat is around 20 and she does that from time to time
just get other food or wait a few hours
np dude :)
Never tried rabbit before though :{
City rabbits in Finland aren't that good though, mainly because they eat trash and live in downtown Helsinki.
just like Webe
just get other food or wait a few hours
np dude :)
Dunno what to say really, hope she will just sleep away.. :(
i'm sorry for yours!
your mother ain`t proud of you.
Dude get a thing, a thing that you are missing: brain. And stop sharing your 'whole life story' about some cat. Oh, and the most important stop comparing animals to human beings, you dumbfuck.
edit: you ARE a dumbass (a mad one now ":D").
Well, I'm not mad. Learn how to discern if some one is mad or if he's just iritated.
Just let it die without pain.
Then Dig a hole and put the cat in it.
The worms are doing the rest.
that`s english? XD