Starting to jog

Hay guise,

recently I've noticed that after quitting my sports team because of lack of time in the evenings (ET + a lot of school, since I'm in year 12 now :D )

Then I met this nice girl, and we've started to meet each other more frequently, and then I looked into the mirror and decided I'll start doing something for my body, and the decision was made quickly: I'll set my alarm clock earlier in the mornings and run for about 40 minutes, I'm not sure how frequently I will do this per week, but I am setting 3+ as a limit - no less.

Are there any tips you would like to give me to improve my jogging experience? I'm definitely going to listen to music while I jog, but I'm a complete starter in running and I thought maybe some of you slim bodybuilder CF pros can help me, like alexL or sw1ruz :D

image: fette-frau
Time to start jogging for her as well!
What's so funny? Care to explain? I've always been a sportive guy, I've just laid it off since september, and I need a new sport to do. I'm pretty sure I'm actually thinner than you, I'm not even trying to lose weight, but to keep my current weight with sport :)
start smoking
just buy some decent shoes, really important.
control your breathing.
stretch before/after.

get good shoes and take it slow at first, basically. also try not to run on asphalt if possible
Is the part with the asphalt very important? It's pretty hard for me to find a track where I would run through dirt or grass because of my location
i guess it's not that important if you have good shoes, dunno really, someone more experienced should say.
no, you have shoes for asphalt and for forresttracks or w/e.
It doesn't matter :)
Even with good shoes you really feel that sand e.g gives in to your weight and bounces you back up compared to asphalt
"jog" and "bodybuilder", these words are like sun and ice
I know, it was just a little joke ;) I'm trying to keep my current weight, not to build up muscles.
no they are not
I don't think those 2 guys can help you much with jogging, now if u want to waste all your money for some useless pills well.. that's another story
I was merely kidding ;) I'd like to keep my balls the same size, so I'll refrain from pills. It's just for keeping my current weight, not to pick up muscles.
That makes 2 of us
aerobic is 60% useless if it's body shape you're looking for
fuck running, hit the gym instead

thats what im doin :P
I personally hate jogging.
jogging ...well

better search a footballclub or something :p

and just stop eating after 9 pm
Mein Problem, Razzah, ist, dass ich seit ich in der Kursstufe bin nicht mehr vor 17 Uhr aus hab, und dann noch im Sportverein zu sein, da kann ich gleich freiwillig meinen Notenschnitt runtersetzen. Ich war ja vorher noch in einem, aber seit diesem Jahr musste ich aufhören, es sei denn, ich finde einen, der halt morgens trainiert :D
also die fußballvereine die ich kenne trainieren alle erst nach 19 uhr ( herren zb )

frag einfach bei nem lokalen verein nach ob du mittrainieren kannst ;) die können auch net früher spielen, weil alle arbeiten müssen
Mir geht's eher darum, dass ich (vor allem wegen einigen scheißänderungen in meinem beschissenen Bundesland) teils drei Hauptfachklausuren in einer Woche schreib. Da brauch ich die Zeit abends, und ich hab eh bis 17.10 täglich schule und komme auch erst um 18 Uhr heim, das bringt es für mich echt nicht
fuck her 5 times a day and ull even lose weight
but she may gain some.. at least for 9 month
he didnt say anything about her so
run as fast as you are able to talk normaly without problems, breath in through your nose, breath out of your mouth, find your best rythm, I for example breath out twice and breath in once, start running longer distances if you notice your endurence increased
buy decent shoes & running clothes. Drink enough water, listen to music if you like. Start slow & improve weekly.
Drink before or during the running? Because I'd really prefer not carrying stuff with me while I run
mainly after, if you sweated alot you need to get it back on the normal level :P
works great, helped me alot years back
start smoking :)
show her your vectors
u so anime-scientist

just jog, its not rocket science
somewhat decent running shoes, warmup before and after running, and if you really want to benifit from the fat burning don't eat or drink anything afterwards besides water.
12. Klasse und viel in der Schule zu Tun? In welcher Welt lebst du denn? :D Eigentlich ist Oberstufe das chilligste von allen.
Ich lebe in Baden-Württemberg, und glaub mir, seit du aus der Schule draußen bist, könnte sich einiges verändert haben :))

Erstmal weiß ich nich, ob du noch in dem Jahrgang warst, wo du noch Mathe-GK machen konntest, jetzt wird LK geforced... dann sind's 32 Pflichtstunden, und ich hab dazu 36 + zwei Stunden Job am Donnerstag, dazu kommt ein durch G8 + G9-Zusammenkommen in der Kursstufe ein Klausurenplan, in dem du teilweise in zwei Wochen alle Hauptfächer schreibst...
Ich komm aus Hessen und hab dieses Jahr Abi gemacht. ;-) Mathe ist bei uns Pflicht im Abi, ob du nun Grundkurs oder Leistungskurs machst ist jedem selbst überlassen. Wir haben 5 Prüfungsfächer davon sind Mathe und Deutsch Pflicht sowie deine LK's. 3 schriftlich 2 mündlich. G8 Stundenplan und Lernstoff mag zwar enger gestrickt sein, aber ich seh darin nichts ungewöhnliches, wenn man innerhalb von 14 Tagen 3 bis 4 Klausuren schreibt. Deutsch muss man weissgott nicht für lernen, geht mMn auch garnicht und bei deinen LK's sollte es dir nicht allzu viel ausmachen, einziges Fach was mich abgefuckt hat war Mathe.

Wie dem auch sei BaWü hat eh eines der dreckigsten Schulsysteme die ich kenne, hab schon von anderen von euren eigenarten gehört. Neigungsfächer und all so ein Schrott. :D Trotzdem bin ich der Meinung das Oberstufe an sich nicht wirklich schwierig ist und man mit wenig Effort viel erreichen kann. Alles in allem wohl der chilligste Teil meiner schulischen Laufbahn.
Ich hab hier letztes Jahr Abi gemacht und ich weiß nicht wirklich, wo dein Problem ist. Ich bin eine der faulsten Personen die ich kenne und hatte trotzdem eigentlich nie ein Problem, schon gar nicht in der 12.
Du wurdest nicht mit den G8ern in einen Topf geworfen :)
biste verrückt? :o
That's just another "tel sell" lie for people who think they can take a shortcut to improve their health and fitness.
Have you tried it? no , or you were doing it wrong.
Have I tried it? yes
Does it work? yes
It will improve your health and fitness, but it's no substitute for real running. A couple of (lazy) friends of mine tried it, but they didn't even come close to keeping up with me (and my regular running training).
It's great if you are already good at running longer distances though. Not a substitute but rather an enhancement
That's what regular interval training is for. HIIT is rather dangerous if you don't have the basics. It will only cause injuries or even worse.
That's what I was saying, no? :D
HIIT would indeed be a bad idea fomr him, unlike freeze suggested.

I'm just saying it's not a substitute for running because it's not meant to be.
I do agree with you. With my first sentence I only wanted to point out that it's nothing new. It's the same as regular interval training and a bad idea for people who don't run regularly.
100% agreed then :p
You talk more shite than ten arses. HIIT is for fat burning while keeping muscle loss to a minimum thats the whole purpose of it , nobody who uses it cares about what skinny long distance runners do. Hiit is superior for bodybuilders, as long distance running for long periods of time causes muscle loss and affects the muscle building process when bulking.All long distance runners are stick thin. The OP wants fat loss he dosent want to be a long distance runner so HIIT would be better and quicker. Also it wont cause injury so again stop talking complete and utter bullshit. It can be done on anything from stationary bike or treadmill or whatever else you want. Hiit for lazy people? try doing HIIT for 20 mins,alternating between 1 min medium pace and 1 min all out sprint to the max for the full 20 mins and then tell me its for lazy people.
better fat burner than just running
gl with the girl ^^
omnom smexy
do you only want to keep your current weight or do you also do it to improve your endurance?
Shaping my body a bit from |-) to |) :D
well, i got tips from my physiotherapist to keep your heart rate below a certain level, but i think its just to build on your endurance and not enhance your body shape :P
if you want to go pro you should buy a heartmeter(?) that shows how fast your hart is going and km/u (miles/hour)
i use it @ football practices and im not pro at all lol :D its handy when you go running to build your condition(?)
You want to start this at the end of november? nice :D -10 and a meter of snow, np :D
Buy sports shoes :o
I just jog in the fitness center but I use shoes that a sport shoes seller advised me.
so you stopped sporting cause you play ET in the evening?
Yup, he nolifes on a nq server :D
breathe right
Running is good for your cardio, not your shape.

Try ab exercises (assuming you're talking about a beer belly)
Ab exercises aren't gonna do anything unless you've got low enough body fat...
Stop football to play ET and do homework :D
eat only 3 times a day
run 50-60 mins a day
no softdrinks/juice/beer
= win
that chick is ur mum?
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