tMoe vs OVERLOAd

image: onedaycupski.1

Random cup journal? Not really that random as two really strong team are facing each other, not an often sight in one day cups. Overall it was cup with many EC players forming skilled mixes or even whole EC team playing.

Biggest suprise in cup was lose of team Europeexitium in 2nd round. European mix with such names like Polanddialer or Polandstokrotka in team lost to FinlandLHS on frostbite. Ambitious fins went on to the semi-final when they have met Poland finest team aka Polandto Make odds even. They got absolutely demolished by poles who proved that goldrush is indeed their home map.

image: 500

On the other side of the bracket we had 2 amazing fights, both involving EuropeTAG.ET. 1st they've met CroatiaWandering Stars with such players like new most hated aka Denmarkadi and BelgiumLazio. Then they faced NetherlandsOVERLOAd in semi-final in the thrilling game on goldrush from which NetherlandsOVERLOAd came out victorious.

Now it's time for grand final where 2 teams will fight for honour and gold pokal. Who will take the crown? Polish OC premier team dreaming about EC and giving their best to play in highest league or well known players who already made a name for themselves and are playing for fun? Only time will tell.

image: game22957
playing on pc from 1980 bet on polski
Consider it done! but phyzic will shoot some extra headies for you ;)
phyzic progamer
Sure thing but you will deliver! Some pro arty kills by saken! xD
frostbite in 2nd round, lolly : DD
super serious 1daycup :oooo
closed games
Phyzic skilldrop wtf? Slac'd
League: Miscellaneous

nothing serious, shit cupski h3h3
Most one day cups are 'Miscellaneous' are they not ?

but robaciek was looks like serious ( :D )

and there is not his "league" in gtv, like some months ago when he was doing odc every 2/3 days, so its not serious as his previous works !
I said in news that name will not stay for long so can't see point of making league on gtv for cup that will change name in few days
dunno, didnt read :-D
come up with your own tag :x
ive heard they actually asked dialer for colours etc :p
red black white :D
what krein said
Yeah my banner :x ^^
oh noes delete my comment !
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