BiO need's you!

Let's play the server is empty :)
Copy IP>2 clicks on SLAC >TOOT>Windows cannot access the specified device,path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item>OK>Theat detected!> Threat name Trojan horse downloader>DENIED
I had the same problem, I just reinstalled SLAC and it worked again
When I'm cleaning up my pc, it removes SLAC everytime :D
Adding to exceptions not even working :p
need's -> BiO need is you! -> wrong
but we don't need BiO
now, gtfo
SLAC wont let me :(
bio can suck my balls.
I don't see any reason to connect to a server playing objective maps but everyone refuses to do them. In fact, you actually get raged at if you plant a dynamite anywhere. If I feel like playing all medic deathmatch I'll get on purefrag.
there are some ugly maps !!
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