Video: ESL Extreme Masters IFNG Hamburg

About 1,000 eSports fans celebrated one of the greatest eSports events of this year: The first ESL Extreme Masters Intel Friday Night Game in Hamburg. The atmosphere was awesome, the games really thrilling.
You can get a short insight into everything with this video:
dreamhack 10,000 people, so random swedish lan > esl
i wrote it just to piss off fdj, it worked well
well, polish ESWC qualifiers had over 3000 people, so Poland > esl

it was pure spectators event.
You cannot compare the biggest league in Europe which arranges more than 25 events like this every year with an event that comes only one time per year into your country and might be the ultimative event for all. Another annotation:

ESL had one of the biggest stands on Games Convention this and the last years and had more than 50 000 spectators on their ESL Intel Arena just in 2006. You should read TosspoT's article on to get a short inspiration what ESL, GIGA, NGL one, Kode 5 and all the other organisations in Germany made only for one event (we have many more events like this every year). I dont want to say anything against the atmosphere and the importance of your ESCW qualifiers in your country, but eSport in Germany is, compared to other countries in Europe, just on another level what many of you probably did not recognize.

Let's stop that fu*** contest to beat each other again and again ... events like this are important for the development of eSport all over the world
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