ETpro changes

ET today is better then it was ever. Most annoying things have been removed or changed but imho the following things can be improved:

-make recoil and aimspread non FPS dependend.
Currently the spread you get by moving your mouse and recoil on your luger for example are FPS dependend. For a game that is played primary online it would be better to make it the same on every pc. No matter how many FPS you are running: same spread and recoil for everyone.

-change screenshake so it isnt depend on HP
The amount of screenshake you get is depened on your HP. The fewer HP you have, the more screenshake you will get from getting hit. Screenshake is an annoying thing, it used to be way less in RTCW. Removing it is impossible, you wouldnt know where bullets were comming from if you were hit, BUT medics are even more overpowered because they have more HP, giving them less screenshake. Any good gameplay should avoid "slippery slope" gameplay. That is, once you are losing you will start losing even more. In a perfect ET game you are as strong when you have 1hp or when you have 100hp. Like in Tekken or Mortal Combat you get as much 'power/strenght/chances' untill you finaly die. Gameplay wich makes the losing player weaker and the winning player stronger = bad gameplay.

-add a function wich allows you to save demos using clantags

-better crouch hitboxes ;)

More info on 'good gameplay':
"-add a function wich allows you to save demos using clantags"
Overdrive, code RtCW3 please!!
gameabuser nr.1
/com_maxfps 250
s_mixprestep 0.06
"-add a function wich allows you to save demos using clantags"

Already possible, you just have to put in the colors.
/record ^9II^>vs^3somenubs
"-add a cg_autorecord function wich allows you to save demos using clantags"
You said that you wanna save records with clantags, not that you want cg_autoaction thingy

Edit: owned by a second :(
Gameplay wich makes the losing player weaker and the winning player stronger = benefiting player with faster reflex
But both players have the same conditions / powers / possibilities untill they die. If I use better combos or reacter faster in a game of tekken its called skill. If you lose special moves or certain powers because I am losing, it's called bad gameplay.
but you can still win in ET when you have less hp than enemy, but it is more harder.
If I use better strafe or aim more accurately in a game of ET its called skill.

I mean, the enemy has put an effort in shooting you earlier than you has. So now if you want to win, you have to put an effort in better aiming and strafing than he.

And pls, dont think from FIRST PERSON PERSPECTIVE when creating the game but from the SPECTATOR VIEW.
Yes, from PLAYER vs PLAYER perspective medic of teamA has an advantage over engineer of teamB, but teamB can use medics as well so from the TEAM vs TEAM perspective balance is saved.
And that engi could be medic, but he has chosen to be engineer in some purpose: tactics of the team. If he had medic, he would have same chances, but he wouldnt be able to plant the dynamite. So if there is anything that makes the gameplay "bad", so this must be the TAX (note, not 'bad tax', just 'tax').

Just my opinion atm :)

btw n1 edit!
btw, pillars!
You can't compare a low hp player in et to a low hp player in tekken: in et a firefight is only a very tiny fraction of the game, in tekken once you reach 0 health the match is over
Compare it to combos instead: in tekken, a player can not block for a small time (0.1 seconds or so) after being hit (I would call this a huge disadvantage); similarly, in et a player aims less efficiently after being hit. It's only a temporary effect, that lasts until he gets healed or respawns (it's a small time compared to the whole match)
Just read the sirlin stuff. You'll agree screenshake based on hp is a bad thing.
I have read it :D I immediately recognized that you did too, when you talked about "slippery slope" hehe. But I repeat: this effect is bad if it happens on the scale of the full match: i.e. if the team that is winning the match gets more and more advantaged (like with the xp system); if it happens at microscopic scale (like a 1on1 in the context of a full match) it's not necessairily a bad thing. Think about the "combo" example I made in the previous post: a combo is when hitting an opponent makes him... much easier to hit afterwards (cause he's stun and can't block). You would say it's a bad thing if you refer to the slippery slope concept, but it clearly isn't... well unless it's a 100% combo (damn you Vanessa from king of fighters)
there is another thing id change, if u have cg_novoicechats 0 u can see the icon on players head who does vsay I need a medic or I need ammo, with cg_novoicechats 1 u cant see that icon, and its annoying for players who hate voice chats (atleast for me)
Add wallhack+aimbot imo.
- remove aim spread

moving your mouse shouldnt cause spread, if you have to do a 180 to aim at someone, you have so much more spread, plus your already being backraped, making it pretty damn hard
ET benefits tactical movements (eg. backrape) and using brain in game, not only aim (eg. backrape)
Ummm, yes, but its a slipper slope gameplay element which promotes strafe aiming over true aim.

Why should you be punished for tracking and rewarded for pressing A and D (D and G to those cool rdfg users!)
Meez is a smart player, not just a good aimer. He's just pointing out that removing mousespread with aiming would make the game more realistic.

Btw, more focus on aim and less on backrape = GOOD.
if we talk about making game more realistic, when you move your gun in real you will be less accurate too, wont you?

but they should at least try this stuff with removing mousespread
It's not about removing all of it. Fact remains that when you move your gun around when standing still, spread will be less compared to when you run sideways. If they'd change that in ET, it would be more realistic.
SO fuckin true Overdrive MAN i still love you <333
Reducing medic health, screenshake as mentioned above, riflenade/nade should kill someone everytime tbh
I couldn't agree more. I wasn't aware that the less hp you have the bigger screenshake you get. It should be removed imo.

And I also agree to what Meez has written. Increasing spread cause of mouse movement is just ridiculous.
i am sorry i think you misunderstood what he was asking.
not really important but :

- fixing invalid pk3 file after reconnection
- Changing to the weapon of your last spec'd player
- Pressing reload and changing weapon plays reload sound but doesnt reload weapon
- random looking up in the air or at ground (for whole server sometimes)
The following are on our list of things to do. That doesn't mean we will do them for any particular release, but we are aware of them and would like to do something about them at some point:
- FPS spread/recoil
- match names / clantags for demos.
- wrong weapon at spawn.

For the other stuff:
- screenshake is as designed. There doesn't seem to be any consensus on how it should be changed.There is a lot of "slippery slope" stuff in et. If we removed it all, ET would be a very different game. Whether that would be better or worse is a matter of opinion.
- how should crouch hitboxes be "better" ? Currently, I'm pretty sure the body box transition is instant. Headbox should follow the model with realhead. If there is something else wrong with them, be more specific.
- .pk3 thing is almost certainly engine, and there isn't likely to be a new client release any time soon.
- not enough info on the 'random looking' bug. I've never seen it or seen a demo of it.
is it possible to change colour of your ammo display the lower it gets? like last 10 shots yellow, last 5 shots red? similar to rtcw
About screenshakes when being hit, you could lower it (rtcw damage feedback < et damage feedback). And remove the shakes when shooting which is pointless and raise the lotto factor of the game. Not good for et!
Yeah never happened to be recording a demo when it happened maybe someone else on xfire does, ill make a journel and see if anyone has one.
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