idle gfx temp

no not that wnb pro team

the temperature of my videocard is 30 degrees celsius

jealous much?

thanks to my new cool cooler

image: AcceleroL2Pro_00l
mine is around 100 degrees celsius

jealous much?

image: lammoot
et names at real life?
Hes rl name maybe is Juuti u dumbfuck
real life names at et? XD
:D mijne 32 met stock
60° C idle
its freezing and its next to my window, i think its under 30. not rly good for my pc i think !!
cpu 39
gfx 55
hdd 20
image: ati0

sry shit pic,but its 46

this what u askin for? :D
GTX 260

GT 330M

45° while surfing

This is on a laptop. No modifications.
lol nice..
53° C here, HD3850 AGP with stock cooler
over 9000
44 graadjes
32c idle
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