Draakjes win low league

After beating the famous etardz for the second time draakjes won the OpenCup 3rd division

This team has been very successful already is ready to win some more.
We recently applied for NationsCup and hope to get in.

Quote by 6th sense mArk
We have been praccing alot lately but we know this is gonna be a hard match, we have won previous match with the help of Boss with 4-2. The odds will most likely go to their favour but if our tactics work out, and we play as we mostly do, I predict a 4-2 win for us.

Quote by retardetardz>Jetro: "If there's no luck involved, we should be able to win the game with an easy 4-0"


Quote by 6th sense mArk
m4rk: It was a very difficult match, despite their arrogance we completed to take the match away with a 4-2 virctory

Quote by retardz
etardZ.vyper Disconnected
etardZ.jetro Disconnected

image: VIYgU

inb4 haters gonna hate
Amazing dudes!
Quote3rd division
dus jij vind jetro zeto vyper enzo 3e div waardig ? mooi compliment
blijkbaar wel anders spelen ze daar toch niet?
oc prem in 5on5 ? ik weet niet hoor maar:D
die gasten hebben Nationscup en EC gespeeld, back in the days toen ET nog iets betekende

jaren later spelen ze voor de fun oc 3rd league en verliezen ze tegen jullie in de finale me 4-2

Ik ga niet zeggen dat ze niet 3de divisie waardig zijn, maar ik denk dat jij gewoon al veel langer dan vandaag op het hoogste niveau thuis hoort...

zet0 really isn't that good without cheats.
he's no mAus but he played some nice results in EC, NC and on lan with/without cheats :]
stoer man
n1 koen

You have € 1000 on nl DRAAKJES
You won € 4000
expected, wp Koentje <3
ook bedankt voor de gast die 3x de engi gibte
en geen probleem voor Mitchelletje! : D

en markje ook ofc
pmbb and pprzi are obvious cheaters, mark seems to be an asshole to
Finally somebody agrees with me on pprzi :?
idd bust him
agree , specced that guy on cyber, wallshooting the lot
loool ik wist het wel :)

heb nu 500 euro ofzo gewonnen door jullie :)

thx and wp man!

jammer dat het niet gtv is..
winning low league, very happy about it, making a journal fast with statements on crossfire, *tomorrow* waking up, browsing crossfire 24/7, commenting cool and stuff, some cf user is replying you "stfu random", like nothing happend yesterday, crying on vent.


kidding mates, gratz :)
lovers gonna love
expected and yet i was an idiot and put only 10€ on u :(
you dont trust us aye?
i do, ive had money on u in every match i noticed :D btw ure yurple? :D
ok, just wondering, had u on xfire :p
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