Strangest sport ever

What the...

Requires skill O_o
Is this national repost an old vid day? Stop it!
Thought I've seen it all...

This game looks unreal!
Looks awesome tbh :D
mental funs!
i heard el clasico is gna be played like that
barca gonna win, easily
this is so full of win :d
say something the japs CANT do
its played by some of my friends here, not verry strange, thought
playing that often in summer

dunno why it's so strange
RC Hochst III till I die !!!
austrians own1ng. easy
links a Schriat
rechts a Schriat
geht scho, oida taunz

In my opinion that's the weirdest sport every.

It isn't surprise that Finns won the world championships in this sport!:D
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