fov - sens calc?

I'm moving from fov 100 on r_mode 6 to fov 110 or 120(not sure yet) on 1680x1050 so do I have to change my sens? cause tbh it feels different?!

If so how do i calculate my new sens?(old sens = 0.235)

Found 2 formules already by googling:

1. old sens x new fov / old fov -> New sens = 0.31333...
2. old sens x [ tan (new fov/2) / tan (old fov / 2) ] -> New sens = 0.407

So which one of these will actually give me the most similiar feeling?!

try yourself? pff
dont change it
play with one fov
I will with either 110 or 120 :p
never change your sens :(
take ruler and do 360' @ old cfg;) now same on new
my profile
Use 1024*640 if you want a correct aspect ratio.
new fov * sens / old fov
The first one
the fuck is that man

sens doesnt change if you change fov
5700 dpi :x
started using 400 dpi without direct input fix and it feels better tbh :D
u just mad cos u dont have 5700dpi
0.235 LOL
anyway try different ones and find ur own..
lol gij nerd, waar houd gij u mee bezig xDDDDDDDDDD
houdt gij* xDDD

<3 you too babe
tnx for the reward,
but i dont know the awnser :D
gij krijgt die reward nog altijd, volgens mij is daar nie echt een antwoord op kdenk nie eens da een van die formules klopt aangezien ik exact hetzelfde draai bij 90 en 120 op zelfde sens :D
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