Graphics card recomm.

hey bros,

Got an old pc from my parents which apperantly is still pretty okay.
It got a p4@3,2GHz and everything still seems to work fine.

The only thing i wanna change is the graphics card which is already pretty old.

So i m askin you what chip you guys got good experiences with.
My budget would be 100€.

thanks in advance

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i had geforce 6200 for like 60€.pretty decent, i even played cod4 with min details.
add 400epyo and buy HD 5970 like I did
is it pci-e or agp? :o

if you have this p4 there is no real deal with a new gpu tbh ;<
XFX Radeon HD 4870 1GB
yeh 4870 + p4

anyways 6k/7k gf series will do job, search on ebay and u will get for very low price [no matter if agp or pci]
i just listed smth in his price range, depends what he wants to use the pc for rly ..
not this the fan is too small to keep the card cold. the card goes to 70° in idle ...

btw in ur profile ur case is seriously funny, so much fans which blow the warm air outside but 1fan which is blowing cold air in xD
no lancool k7 is much better :D
I need a better case, like Corsair Graphite 600T
my new computer will come into my case and then i will put a watercool into it :D
For you it is ugly, not for me, i like much the green :p

what like watercooling ? Waterblock, pump ?
I bought a gt240 recently, was about 90 euros (in the shop even, not online) and it seems to fine - at least to play ET and watch movies
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