Need help writing a script [ET]

when using Rifle or Mobile MG I need to change my 'Mouse2' to secondary weap so I can use rnade or MG.
Is there a way, when using my class script that it can exec a different CFG so I don't need to go into controls and edit it?

Would this part need editing? and how

//Confirm VSTR's

set engineer_confirm1 "class e 1; vstr e1"
set engineer_confirm2 "class e 2; vstr e2"
set medic_confirm "class m 1; vstr m"
set fieldops_confirm "class f 1; vstr f"
set covertops_confirm1 "class c 1; vstr c1"
set covertops_confirm2 "class c 2; vstr c2"
set covertops_confirm3 "class c 3; vstr c3"
set soldier_confirm1 "class s 4; vstr s1"
set soldier_confirm2 "class s 2; vstr s2"
set soldier_confirm3 "class s 3; vstr s3"
set soldier_confirm4 "class s 5; vstr s4"
set soldier_confirm5 "class s 1; vstr s5"

bind mouse2 "blabla"


bind mouse2 "blabal"

I made this script with my class selector liek :
"class e; bind mouse2 +attack"
"class m; bind mouse2 +moveup"
They never should have allowed us to tweak, script watever. Just ingame options and thats it xD ffs how many hours have I spend writing/stealing usefull/less usefull scripts omg :o
This is small part of my cfg, get ready if you care:

bind - say_team "1+ ^8E^7nemy ^7I^7ncoming"
bind = say_team "2+ ^8E^7nemy ^7I^7ncoming"
bind backspace "vsay_team incoming "3+ ^8E^7nemy ^7I^7ncoming!!""
bind UPARROW "+forward" //Move forward
bind DOWNARROW "+back" //Move back
bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft" //Strafe left
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright" //Strafe right
bind ALT "+stats"
bind CTRL "+moveup;forcetapout" //Jump+quick tap out!
bind SHIFT "+sprint" //Stamina use
bind pgdn "toggle cg_autoreload;echo "^2autoreloadtoggle!""
//bind END "unbind uparrow; unbind downarrow; unbind leftarrow; unbind rightarrow; -forward ; wait 1 ; -back ; wait 1 ; -moveleft ; wait 1 ; -moveright ; wait 1 ; +prone ; wait 1 ;bind uparrow "+forward"; bind rightarrow "+moveright"; bind leftarrow "+moveleft"; bind downarrow "+back"; -prone" //no delay proning
bind END "+prone"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F3 "ready; say ^7I guess I'm ready..^1:^0>"
bind F4 "notready; say ^7Not ready yet,plz wait a sec..^1:^0x"
bind F5 "vsay 3 hi ^7Hell^>o!"
bind F6 "exec autoexec;say "loading autoexec/vid_restart""
//F8 binded in Class_select.cfg
//F9 binded in Class_select.cfg
//F10 binded in Class_select.cfg
//F11 binded in Class_select.cfg
//F12 binded in Class_select.cfg
bind KP_LEFTARROW "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1; exec et_scripte/Syringe.cfg" //Syringe&Support&Pliers
bind KP_5 "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 1; exec et_scripte\medpack.cfg" //Medic&Ammo&Dyna
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "weaponbank 7; cg_drawgun 1; exec et_scripte\mines.cfg" //Mines
bind KP_END "weaponbank 2; cg_drawgun 1; cg_autoreload 0 ; exec et_scripte\handgun.cfg" //Handgun
bind KP_DOWNARROW "weaponbank 1; cg_drawgun 1 ; exec et_scripte\knife.cfg" //Knife
bind KP_PGDN "weaponbank 1; cg_drawgun 1 ; exec et_scripte\knife.cfg" //Knife, in case you missed downarrow.
bind KP_INS "weaponbank 3; cg_autoreload 0; cg_drawgun 1; exec et_scripte\smg.cfg" //Primary weapon
bind KP_DEL "weaponbank 4; cg_drawgun 1; echo ^0[^7granaat^0];exec et_scripte/nade.cfg" //Grenade
bind MOUSE1 "+attack" //Shoot! or whatever.
bind MOUSE2 "+movedown" //Sit on your knees and swallow it all :)
bind MOUSE3 "+activate" //Open doors, and lean by holding this button + leftstrafe or rightstrafe.
bind MOUSE4 "kill;forcetapout" //Kill yourself, and quicker tapout to respawn queue.
//bind MOUSE5 is binded to zoom or instant arty, depends on class.
bind MWHEELUP "+reload"
bind PgUp "vstr nick" //et_scripte/nicklame.cfg, choose your nick
bind KP_HOME "vstr timerswitch" //et_scripte/spawntimer.cfg, choose 15er-, 20er-, 30er- of 35er-spawn
bind KP_UPARROW "vstr spawntimesaytog_l" //adjust their spawntime (+1)
bind KP_PGUP "vstr spawntimesaytog" //adjust their spawntime (-1)
bind KP_PLUS "vstr spawntimeselected" //Spam their spawntime!!
bind KP_ENTER "vsay_team incoming "^aE^7nemy Spawns""
bind Home "+forward; +sprint; wait 10; +moveup; wait 10; -sprint; -moveup; -forward"

So if I choose nade, a cfg is executed. Looks like this:

bind MOUSE1 "+vstr s1 s2"
set s1 "+attack; say_team ^0[^7Grenade!^0]"
set s2 "-attack; -attack; exec et_scripte/smg.cfg"
cg_drawgun "1"
cg_drawWeaponIconFlash "0"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta m_filter "0"
cg_autoreload "0"

So if I press mouse1, [grenade] will be be drawn to team, and when I release mouse1, smg.cfg will be executed. Looks like this:

bind KP_INS "weaponbank 3; cg_autoreload 0; exec et_scripte\smg.cfg"
bind mouse1 "+attack"
cg_fov "100"
cg_drawgun "0"
cg_drawWeaponIconFlash "0"
cg_crosshairSize "39"
cg_drawcrosshair "5"
cg_crosshairalphaAlt "1"
cg_crosshairalpha "1"
cg_crosshaircolorAlt "White"
cg_crosshaircolor "Red"
cg_crosshairY "0"
cg_crosshairpulse "0"

seta sensitivity "4.56"
seta m_pitch "0.0151"
seta m_filter "0"
cg_autoreload "0"
cl_mouseaccel "0.00"

To be honest, every weapon @ every class has its own cfg, + when I have chosen to be field ops, mouse5 will be instant arty with arty spam, but when I choose cvops, mouse5 will just be "+zoom" without arty spam/bind.

arty script:

bind mouse5 "+vstr a1 a2"
set a1 "say_team ^0[^7ArtillarY^0]; +zoom; +zoom; +attack; +attack; +attack; +attack"
set a2 "-attack; -attack; -zoom; -zoom"

here is my class select script

// Spawnscript (Class-selection)

bind F11 "vstr classengi; exec et_scripte/zoom.cfg"
bind F10 "vstr classfieldop; exec et_scripte/arty.cfg"
bind F9 "vstr classsoldier; exec et_scripte/zoom.cfg"
bind F12 "vstr classmedic; exec et_scripte/zoom.cfg"
bind F8 "vstr classcovop; exec et_scripte/zoom.cfg"

set classengi "vstr classengi1"
set classengi1 "vstr classrecycle; class e 1; set classengi vstr classengi2; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Engi^o/^7smg";exec et_scripte/smg.cfg;say_team "^7<--^?Engi/smg""
set classengi2 "class e 2; set classengi vstr classengi1; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Engi^o/^7riflenade";exec et_scripte/smg.cfg;say_team "^7<--^?Engi/Wondersticky""
set classfieldop "vstr classrecycle; class f 1; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Fieldops";exec et_scripte/smg.cfg;say_team "^7<--^>FieldOps""
set classsoldier "vstr classsoldier1"
set classsoldier1 "vstr classrecycle; class s 4; set classsoldier vstr classsoldier2; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Soldier^d/^7panzer";exec et_scripte/panzer.cfg;say_team "^7<--^>Panza""
set classsoldier2 "class s 5; set classsoldier vstr classsoldier3; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Soldier^d/^7mortar";exec et_scripte/smg.cfg;say_team "^7<--^?Mortar""
set classsoldier3 "class s 2; set classsoldier vstr classsoldier4; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Soldier^d/^7mg42";exec et_scripte/mg.cfg;say_team "^7<--^>MG42""
set classsoldier4 "class s 3; set classsoldier vstr classsoldier1; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Soldier^d/^7flamer";exec et_scripte/flamer.cfg;say_team "^7<--^?fLAMEthrower""
set classmedic "vstr classrecycle; class m 1; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Medic";exec et_scripte/smg.cfg;say_team "^7<--^>Medic""
set classcovop "vstr classcovop3"
set classcovop1 "vstr classrecycle; class c 3; set classcovop vstr classcovop2; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Covert^a/^7sniper";exec et_scripte/sniper.cfg;say_team "^7<--^>Sniper""
set classcovop2 "class c 2; set classcovop vstr classcovop3; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Covert^a/^7fg42";exec et_scripte/smg.cfg;say_team "^7<--^?CvOps/FG""
set classcovop3 "class c 1; set classcovop vstr classcovop1; echo "^3>^zClass: ^7Covert^a/^7sten";exec et_scripte/smg.cfg;say_team "^7<--^>CvOps/sten""
set classrecycle "set classengi vstr classengi1; set classcovop vstr classcovop1; set classsoldier vstr classsoldier1"

get it? :x
Someone put way too much time in writing scripts. Common, a script that highers your m_pitch when throwing a nade? Not only is it pointless, you'll also have to get used to 2 different sensitivities.
I agree man. But I had VERY LOW sensi once, and with m_pitch 0.0151 I wasn't able to make proper throws.... I just took this shit way to far.
Nowadays I have normal sensitivity, like almost a 360 on big Qpad, so I don't need this shit anymore. I can make proper throws with any m_pitch. And adjusting to different m_pitch @ nades isn't hard tbh. You get used to it.
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