Broken Sword

Just completed Broken Sword 1 , 2 & 2.5. Need a 2d game which is similar to these, maybe better if possible. Don't want any of the 3d Broken Sword games because they're shit.

image: broken-sword-shadow-of-the-templars-the-directors-cut-20090319063812034

image: vikki-blows22

Need games similar to the broken sword series.
discworld series
Beneath A Steel Sky, Flight Of The Amazon Queen, basically all LucasGames/LucasArts adventures (Monkey Island I & II, Day Of The Tentacle, Loom, etc.). You could also look up the old Sierra adventures, but it depends on whether you like text input (early games) or point-and-click (later games).
Yeah I prefer the later, point and click games. Would you say any of these games is better than the broken sword ones? Or if not which one is the closest? Thanks :)
I have not played Broken Sword somehow (fast download brb) but MI 1+2 and Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis are extremely good games. I'd rate DOTT even higher though, one of the best games ever created.
Monkey Island 3 is pure epicness. Runaway is newer and a bit worse but it's still playable.
Monkey Island 3 is decent, but pales in comparison to the first two games. It's still a lot better than everything that came after that though.
Grim Fandango ;-)
such a bullshit game without walktrough
Great games indeed, and you're right, the third and especially the fourth game in that series are shit.

I'd suggest more or less what Frop said.
And make sure that you don't miss out The Longest Journey and Grim Fandango!
Thanks mate, I feel almost sad I've completed the good Broken Sword games, imo, the best games ever!


Wonder what this is like?
Never heard of that one.. Could be something worth checking out.

Another title I just came to think of which could interest you is Syberia.
Thanks man, downloading Grim Fandango atm, going to download the others after. Thanks <3
broken sword 2 one of my favourites. also a good adventure imo is zak mckracken
Remastered version of Monkey Island 2 is sold at discount 2,5e in steam right as we speak. I suggest you to buy it instead of downloading illegally.
sexy arms
X Days A Sauerkraut series, begins with 5 Days A Stranger, then 7 Days A Skeptic, Trilby's Notes, 6 Days A Sacrifice

Epic series, and to add up, it's made by Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw, AND TO ADD UP, it's free :D
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