and we all love clanbase...

...or clownbase.

Summarise what happened:
- reliably can't play at the arranged time 23cet
-> we accept to play at 21cet if we can play with Boss (he played 1 EC match)
-> they accept it
-> 4-0 win for us

we don't wanna win with noshow to be fair

Lion our friend of CB:
- "U were not allowed to play with boss"
- "Follow the rules"
- his decision: Rematch

Don't be nice anymore to the opponent. You better win with no-show!

Ps: hard to say but I miss the killerboy-times: "You rup'd so you agree with this"
Ps2: No offense against reliably <3 u played it fair, it was a good deal
Ps3: Lion, , don't see in the rules where we can win with 8-0 because gaming makes u cute :$

stop whining

Killerboy times? You think killerboy was the admin who invented "you rup'd so you agree"? :DDD
dno but I know he said it and I liked that
prefer kb above this strict following of the rules :(
That rule has been in play since early 2006 at least, that's when Portugal Thalakos (CB admin at that time, where's the time?) told me the same.
should be always like that
I even thought it was written in the rules , after checking it isn't ;(
It used to be written in the rules.
nope, not about a player
it's written about both agreeing a server and shit but not about a player
There used to be a rule about "if a player has a wrong guid, but you rup the game -> you accept the wrong guid."
It used to be[/i][/u] written in the rules.
yes, there used to be a rule like that like MIROSLAV CLOUSEAU said
I see what you did there.
KB followed the rules even more lol :D

The rule was way way before him :D
Lion very good admin :)
opponents agreed
case closed?
tell him we should rematch last oc premier final cause both us and vibe played with 1 merc :D
everybody agrees but clanbase :(
your own mistake, doesn't matter if the opponents agree, you're lucky he's giving you an option to rematch
If we should take the rules strict, then we should play at 23cet and it would be noshow win for us.
no because it clearly says that you can rearrange if you both agree

it doesn't say anywhere that you can use a merc, it's your own stupid mistake, you could've taken someone from a lower or your own league and add him to APL anytime
nerd danL mad cause he cant win a normal game
I'm just going to quote what he said to help you out here

QuoteIf we should take the rules strict, then we should play at 23cet and it would be noshow win for us.

They could have gotten a forfeit if they didn't agree to reshedule since they didn't have their fifth at 21 prolly (hence they said 'if we can play with boss')
they COULD HAVE but they decided to AGREE to RESCHEDULE, which they are ALLOWED to do according to the RULES, taking a merc that played in a HIGHER LEAGUE IS NOT ALLOWED in any kind of rules interpretation

caps and bold there to help you out
He meant that they COULD have gotten a forfeit if they wanted, but that they decided to be nice. Hence why he said:
QuoteDon't be nice anymore to the opponent. You better win with no-show!

It's like Thomm said a few comments below, they wanted to bend the rules just abit to help out their opponent. From what I'm reading he is not complaining about the rules, but about the fact that there is no room for abit of leniency considering the circumstances. He obviously knows it's partially their own fault for wanting to help out the opposition.

I'm beginning to think you are interpreting things just so you can make one of those sour, grumpy remarks you always seem to like so much.
thanks, u understand with I mean :p
what don't you understand? yes, they COULD have gotten a forfeit yet they decided to reschedule BUT there is room for that in the rules, however there IS NO ROOM for using a player that played in a higher league...if the rules say you CANNOT reschedule what do you think would happen, despite all the niceness?

the rules can be bent in some situations but this is clearly not one of them for a good reason and they did not bend the rules in any way to help out the opponent

I don't know what you've been reading but this is not about being their fault for helping out the opponent, it's about them being too stupid to follow the rules

I'm beginning to think you're just plain thick
although I don't like your rude comments, you are perfectly right
Ofcourse he is right, he is just stating the obvious. But it's besides the point. It's about sportsmanship being punished and how it's a shame that rules can't be bend to allow less forfeits (atleast if both parties agree).

Allthough I do think that LION made the best decision an admin could have made in this case, it still puts the victory of the winning team at risk. A risk which wouldn't have been present if they would have claimed the forfeit.
I guess it's discussable which rules should be bendable and which should not.

However blaming LION (who actually made a great decision) is simply unfair. He made the best out of the situation, he combined rules with flexibility.
I agree, but I understand why Flashy might be raging abit ;)
I'm sorry, what? What are you on about?
You are just stating the obvious, yet this journal is not about the fact that they used a member who also played in a higher league. Where does it say that what Lion decided is against regulation or that they were too stupid to follow the rules (as you so kindly put)?

In agreement with their opponent they tried to bend the rules just a bit so that this game could actually be played instead of forfeited. Allthough it would have been smarter if they had asked an admin before the game, it's still a shame that sportsmanship is punished. That's what this journal is about, not about the rules being forced.

I admit the journal title and the first 'ps' might be confusing, but the content of the journal is quite illuminating. He literally stated what he learned from this in a conclusion.

(Copying my sentence structure and replacing a few words does not make a reply witty)
Quoteand we all love clanbase...or clownbase.

QuoteLion our friend of CB:
- "U were not allowed to play with boss"
- "Follow the rules"
- his decision: Rematch

Don't be nice anymore to the opponent. You better win with no-show!

QuotePs3: Lion, (url) [] , don't see in the rules where we can win with 8-0

His choice of loaded words is obviously a bad one, but besides the title they bear little meaning.
if his words bear little meaning why write them, what's the point of the journal then, he could've cried about it to someone on IRC and if it's not about rules then I really don't see what is the purpose of this journal
I meant that it's not about the rules being forced. It's more about the lack of loopholes in the system and sportsmanship being punished. Last few years this game has been dealing with alot of forfeited games, it's a shame that things like this occur when they are trying to avoid these forfeits. I'm pretty sure that next time they will claim the forfeit to ensure victory. I think that's a shame, don't you?
I do think it's a shame that more and more matches end up in a forfeit however I see no sportsmanship being punished here, there is a solid reason why there is no moving to a lower league allowed, they could've taken anyone cless/from their league/from lower league and they would have no problem whatsoever
I think they just used Boss because he is a member and was avi during that time. I've played with Boss, he wasn't that active during the EC season. So I doubt playing with him made it a sure victory. Their opponents went from no chance to win to about the normal chance they would have had, so I still think that it was sportsmanship.

But you have a valid point when you say they could have used another player.

(random question: Do EC qualifiers count as higher league games?)
you failed :XD
failed at what?
You failed at amusing a polak. Apart from that what you said is completely right.
from what I understood, they've agreed to rescheudle only under the circumstances of playing with a merc. otherwise they'd get a forfeit
completely irrelevant
then u missed the point
Go and see Goldorak, he will tell rup = agree
Go and see Goldorak in pm about if opponent player is allowed, he is gonna copy and paste ur pm to opponents
true :P but he will say rupping is agreeing about guids n shit

we played vs a team who didnt have slac guids, we could have waited till 10 minutes after starting time and whine about forfeit but instead we rupped, later on, their friends kicked us during the match, so we demanded a forfeit cuz of the kick + wrong guids but goldorak told us we agreed on guids by rupping + we should just rematch
well i dont understand how your opponent could decide that you can play with ec players

seriously gtfo fucking idiots and come back when ur done crying and readin some rules
if both agree i see no problem -- rules are there to be broken
rules are rules and people should follow them.

always thought that "but we all agreed" thing is kinda stupid. then you could also allow one wallhacker per team :D
well you are a dick and you lick killerboy's ass, i'll never forgot our 2on2 OC match which took 2hours of my life, fucking prick!
oops it was SC.

say that if he wants to follow the rules so bad, that u shouldve forfeit win aswell
"Ps: hard to say but I miss the killerboy-times: "You rup'd so you agree with this""

not true anymore, check webe and sungi sucking up to him :)
I've got a question about the match TARGET vs Vice, which we won with 4-0 but on CB it says they won with forfeit win?

You were not allowed to play - you played for @ 1st round and they're playing @ Premier. Not allowed to jump to lower league.

Was mercing for them, oppo agreed =/

But rules disagreed :/

Admins rather have no-shows =)) Makes the cups alot more active!
same as the fourth league shit
For what I have learned is that if you bend the rules, prepare yourself for the opponent changing their opinion. Nothing you can do, rules are rules, simple.
me does not care
Boss is disallowed no matter what the enemies say. Your own fault tbh.
I love u Flashy
I believe LION made a good decision.

according to the rules....

"If the player would NOT have been allowed even if he was on the Allowed Players List then the clan and player receive a Red Card (and forfeit the match). "

... you should have lost.

However, LION took your "good deed" of rescheduling into concideration. So he decided to let you guys rematch the game. LION's way of taking this decision is not stated in the rules. Therefore be carefull before you accuse CB of not being flexible.
Its not about the rules here, its about both teams agreeing on something to avoid forfeits, I dont see why there are so many ppl complaining about it.
LION should have given a forfeit for using an illegal player, you're actually lucky he let you rematch tbh. :]

btw the "once you rup you accept who you're playing" is only a ladder rule, not a cup rule.
There are loads of cases in EC or OC, doesnt matter, where the opponent agreed to let some1 play who wasnt allowed by the rules, but else it would've been forfeit.
The admins decided to allow these players so the game would be played and not result in a forfeit, don't ask me to give examples, cause I cba to browse through gtv, but I do know this happend quite a few times before.

- aClmx could only play on 23 cet, because only then vyper was avi
- reliably couldnt play then so they asked if aClmx wanted to resched
- aClmx could only resched if I was allowed
- so both teams decided what was best for every1 and played the game at 21 cet with me
- after the game, no1 complains, but then all of a sudden an admin says it should be replayed? how does that make sense, both teams agreed, no1 is complaining, but yet the admin is making a mess, makes no sense to me tbh

Honestly I dont even care about this OC, (but I do about aClmx). I just played so the game wouldnt end up in yet another shitty forfeit, but I dont see the use of an admin making problems here
Since when are teams above the rules?

"hey admin we played 4v4 cos both of teams agreed our 5ths couldn't play, both teams agreed so no need for admin"

and this season there were no exceptions what-so-ever, you can search for years and you won't find a single match breaking this rule.

you broke the rule and that's all that matters, agreements with the teams doesn't mean jack unless you notified an admin before hand and gave you the 'go ahead' and/or it is listed in the rules (like when both teams agree to reschedule to a new date), breaking the rules i.e letting mercs play is nowhere listed in the cup rules and since no exception was given how do you expect the admin not to do his work? might as well let the teams supervise the cups and the admins do nothing, it would be like having football matches without referees, because both teams agreed to play without offside or with an illegible/banned player.
These comparisons are just ridiculous, if you just kept it to the "and this season there were no exceptions what-so-ever, you can search for years and you won't find a single match breaking this rule." it would've been a strong argument, but now you just made some bullshit comparisons to support your story
so remove the bullshit comparism and you're left with a strong argument
You'll probably acuse me that I would be a bad admin, but I just dont get why you would make a problem when there is none, and no1 even knows something was 'wrong'.

I, as an admin (wich I've only been in some random cups, so no real experience whatsoever), would be glad if teams decide to do such a thing to avoid forfeits

this is just a question, not meant as any criticism, just wondering why you would do it
As you mentioned in the past I allowed people to merc when both teams agree, this summer we've had a discussion and agreed that one thing in order to improve the reputation and prestige of EC & OC was to disallow mercing and start enforcing the rules, that's why we don't allow "both teams agreed" rule anymore.

i don't think there's much wrong with allowing this rule in random one day cups, as you said they're "random" and it's more about having a "good time" than "serious business ec/oc" teams which are competing and praccing 'hard' to a certain degree.
yeah show him some killerboy
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