Some questions about ET on mac

Hi all,

Basically I want to play a bit of casual ET over the next month and need to get my hands on all the most up to date patches etc.

First of all - what version of ET is the most recent? what will I need?
Second - what version of ETpro will I need?
Third - what game search client do you use for mac? Used to use ASE back when I was on a PC - don't know what's decent for mac?

Basically any help would be appreciated - links to the necessary files would be great - is there anything else I'll be needing? Newest PB etc? Where can I get the latest maps?

Thanks for your help,

C xxx
Oh, I haven't played in a good few years, so sorry for my complete ignorance about anything recent...
et 2.60b
etpro 3.2.6
wat hapolaps said , there isnt etpack for mac i think -,-
no slac for you : D
for leagues and some scrims you need slac but there isn't a slac client for mac yet
dno, ask azuKi
Download the 2.6 ET .dmg file and then the 2.6b patch folder to patch, and simply connect to a etpro server to get latest etpro version. If you need more detailed instructions /q azuKi at

Any advice on a server browser? Don't think there's a mac version of All Seeing Eye?
I pretty much use splatterladder to see which servers are up and stuff...but then again I pub rarely and mostly stick to scrims.
dno, ask azuKi
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