the first morning journal

there hasnt been a journal for ages now!

so good morning everyone :)

E: excusez moi, morning journal freaks. i was just awake at that time!
E2: sup mens0?
good mornin!
yeah good morning!
Adios nerdmigos!
good mornin'
just finished all 5 episodes of "The Walking Dead".
Can't wait for episode 6 :(

you call this a morning-journal???????
such a shame!!!!!!

morning :)
good morning, im gonna get my hair shaved today!!!
H to zeh ansoO!

weak. very weak.

good morning everyone!
oh hai, always the same shitty faces!
Morning chap
shit fucking morning. i'm in such a bad mood -.-
Your morning journal is baaaad.
ehh, i shouldnt even be awake at this time :S
Komma IRC, ich brauch' deine Sachsenhilfe. :(
good morning :) infos anything?!
i remember you... good morning :D
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