zLoL Nijmegen

We got sent out of 2 different bars tonight.

the second one aparently got some sort of message from the first one telling them we were acting all violent n stuff which we werent :D

thats fucking rubbish

PLS @ nijmegen :D hope "CPC2" wont be @ nijmegen xddd CU @ xfire.be LAN 2 btw zLoL:D no ET = for cool people only

thanks for your attention!
oh and gl @ team NL :D go get em kris :DDDD
bcak form teh culb?
2low4teamlatvia? :D <3
im playing in team russia >____<
im not latvian LOL
thanks for your reply. makes me feel all oldschool n stuff zLol =X

btw we started the evening with cinema @ the departed! pretty cool vid! :-)}}}
doe je goed rob
ik woon ook in nijmegen joepie
Niet. wnb Gelderlander
ga skill kopen en stfu aub
welke clubs? :)
wegingen wat drinken na de film :P eerst in lux (de bioscoopbar zeg maar) en daarna opera :P

finally found a more retarded guy then me :D
de 3 > * je weet
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