What a week

Even tho The week ain't at its end yet a lot of stuff has happen for me the last couple of days.

Yesterday after uni I rushed to work to get on time. When I came I was quickly asked by boss to come to the meeting room to talk with him, I thought hey might be a good thing since I've had some extra shifts which really showed my expertise in the stuff I did at work.

However I was quickly informed that I was fired since I on Friday didn't come to work due to my friends holding a rather big party, the funny part is that I informed the female boss about it but she clearly said "That I didn't inform her", I was kinda pissed as hell. But now comes the funny part, when I came home I came to think what now? It's pretty hard to get a job in Denmark.

But anyway I began to chill a bit and then suddenly my male boss rang to me and said to me that he knows I spoke the truth, he checked the dialinginfo and saw me talking with the female boss for 3 min. As I worked for a telemarketing firm we always record our conversations. So it ended up him taking it up with the big cheif and they quickly came to the decision to give me a high position which actually means about 30-40% more in salary. I was really happy about the offer, and told them to let me think about it.

Next day I was watching some news as I suddenly saw a post from my favorite bar called "FRIENDS", it's a brand new bar/café which opened a year ago, they have some of the most luxury environment I've seen. I was kinda disappointed when I saw that they were looking for someone with experience however I still rang and told them about myself.

It resulted in me getting a small chill job-interview at 17 o'clock, when I came we took ourselves a beer and began the interview.
Never in my life have I ever been so chill about a job-interview we drank, chilled, took some smoke breaks and such.

And then all of a sudden he saw my CV which I had with me, in the end I wrote "If I were to compare myself with one of the friends actors I would say I'm a mix between Joey, Phoebe & Ross"

He was amazingly glad for that comment as it put the last touch to the interview, we took another beer and began to talk about work-times and such.

So here I am with a brand new dream job, almost exactly 24 hours after I got fired.

My old male boss rang later today to hear about my decision as I quickly told him the news he offered me a larger amount of money in excuse for the mistake made at the job as it was illegal.

Get rich or die tryin'
Your turn Robaciek
I see what you did there, shame you didn't see what I did there
Aalborg next week?
you got luck sir
great read but why no info about aalborg?
I think you should write a column about it
You just drove around pizzas all week, but this does make for a more interesting story.
i just came back from the aalborg lan and guess what...
I'd like to believe you, but ur a chronic liar.

image: 320273-3729-47
i have this one in reallife :)
Don't you mean: "platonic"
Makes me wonder how your entire CV looks like :D
.. a blank page...
first i was like too long to read
but then i readed it and was nice

gl in new work
i read "gl in new york" lol :D
duhhhh, maybe you have some problems with your reading skillz!? Maybe time to go back to school? :O
Joey, Phoebe and Ross are no Friends actors. They are characters!
Nice, I hope ur succesfull at work adim8 :PPPppp))))
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