Sup with Speedlink?

Stownage, Flopjehz and Potter left...what about the rest?

Come on insiders get us the infos :)

Good night everyone!

They weren't going to lans together perhaps?
tomorrow i wake up do some p90x, meet a really nice girl, have some really nice sex, and she's gonna scream out "this is great"
says exactly the right one
says exactly the right one
slac is gonna get dropped
should be news about it by now!!!
fuck speedlink those otters are so adorable :D
yeaaahhh speculation! love it.

maybe disappointing results lately?
Maybe duke spend to much time being an old handsome man
i guess they are "burnt out" (dunno the right english word). When i met them at AEF it seems that 5 rl friends playing together in a team so i think its not just because one action!?!?

<3 duKe_,flopje,kresti :*,bl4d3,stowni and Eveylinn :D
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