Life advice guys

well my current girlfriend ( my profile picture ) we just got together and her brother hates me cos uhm.. i said some bad shit to him cos he kissed my ex GF xD but yeh he told his parents i do drugs and im a bad man :'( she convinced her parents i dont but he might get his dad too stop me seeing her, ok to he point.. do i just leave it and not say anything to him, or do i fight him, fighting him might make things worse but atleast he will stop talking shit? ps.. i smoke weed but lets be honest, its not a drug ;D

yes, come to crossfire
well i'm hardly gonna go to some fucking emo website where everybody is like ohhhh don't use violence just sit in a corner and cut yourself your life is worthless. atleast people will tell me that i have cancer or something that makes me laugh :')
you have cancer!

medicinal marihuaina = can't be mad at you for doing drugs
beat up brother -> blame the medicinal marihuana, they understand
sit down...take a breathe and smoke some weed.
fuck him up
Kill her family

With a knife
i like your approach.. thanks <3
haha =D nice
shut the fuck up. asking for relationship advice on a gaming forum, seriously kill yourself
ik wou dat ook aan jou eens vragen, maar jij was er niet voor me ;(
dutch language, reported.
double reported
Yea. Rather ask this stuff on or some other webpage xD ahahha pzlplsa<fkldgnnFasdladkUsdadCadsadaKasdada ssdadYadskadksOasdadU
Stay with your girlfriend, why would u want to lose her?
Don't say/do anything = He has nothing on u

sometimes letting things pass by is the best option

p.s. i'd give her one ;)
dr. garin
letting weed pass by is not the best option tho!
Did I not mention to smoke weed? .. my bad :D
weed is a drug. Like really. The brother is correct no matter what
make her pregnant and dump her
fucking awesome
lolcat + lolfat ":D"
get in, get out.

be the mature guy and let it go..
my experience tells me it's the best to not try and prove you right, just stick to your opinion but don't try overdefend it.

The girl will only want to see you more if her dad tells her not too so better for you anyway.

either that or stop smoking weed :P
So you're on bad terms with her brother, he makes her parents believe you do drugs (which, in fact, you do), you tell her lies saying you don't making her lie to her parents, and want to beat her brother up for telling the truth.

imagine the rage if she finds out he lied and does do drugs!
i smoked weed i aint smoked it for a few months but i told him i stopped last year :/
they just got together though
no he thinks im doing heroin or something xDDDDDDDDDDD
yes, that is indeed quite common amongst 17 year olds
amphetamine and heroin is quite popular amongst 17 year olds. you should go out more :D
yes it is
QuoteLooking for advice on CF

Are you ETc|Jay from Splatterladder?

If so, you should just get a better protection from him!

If not, talk to her parents, not her brother. Convince your parents by saying the exact same thing that you just said to us. They're human after all.
no i dont play for rate, my aka is Mustang i played for Inferno Gaming.
Nah the upper part was just about a little inside joke with Splatterladder who told us to "Get a better DDoS protection instead of asking them to not reveal our match IPs" :)

You really shouldn't go into a conflict with your brother as that will be seen by her parents as you being as agressive as he tells them you are. Instead search the conversation with her parents directly, that's the only thing I can see that might help you.
beat the brother in front of his father
thats what all polaks do, and if they drink some wisky with it they'll murder her family aswell
ye man we are no pussies, deal with it
So just leave it? :/
image: condoom_jurk

Wear this.

it's a dress full of condoms nerd
you always give the best advice friend :)
so when this happens to you just gonna wear a costume made out of condoms

smart man wery
Well, I didn't read this shit. Just read Life Advice and posted the pic :)
That some timesaving technique
wait till ur gf is 18 (unless she is already), and then walk to her dad and yell: OOOOOOOOOOOO CANT DO ANYTHING SHES 18 OOOOOOOOOOOOO, he'll prolly start doing some FFFUUUs or forever alones that he'll post here?
punch the bother in the balls at dinner. ka-pow!
Try to talk with her brother to make things clear. It is never useful to talk about such things behind someones back. Ignoring is even worse ! Try to convince him, that his sister is happy with you and that he shall not destroy your relationship (unless he hates his sister). If this doesnt work, then try talking to her parents. Try to act very nice and adult. Dont wear your Basecap and Hiphop-clothes. This seems to be much more mature and they will either kick your ass or accept you. You cant just turn your back to this situation. You HAVE TO take one of this ways, else you will fail 100%.
but then again, wouldnt we love to see that happen?
Yeah i agree but the only reason he dont want me being with her is cos i had a go at him when he kissed my EX gf.. she was the one who told him i do drugs even tho she knew i stopped she's a jealous bitch, i never talk to her brother and i've never met her family, her mother beleves i dont do drugs its just her brother might convince her father
Sup jay, I saw you in your last match, is sqzz really that good of a strafer as people say?
Are you a kid or at least some kind of an adult ? You cant always look away. If you dont want things to happen (correct english? lol), then you should clear them up. Tell your girlfriend the whole situation. Tell her that you dont want that things like this reach her father. Show her that its important for you that her parents have a good opinion of you. This will make your relationshop even stronger and her parents + brother will also be fine with you.

Look...if you always run away from your problems then you will never success. When i had a girlfriend, then i did always everything for her... Just imagine she breaks up with you because of this shit.What will you do then ? Ask yourself why you are such an afraid prick, who didnt want to talk 10 minutes with someone ? Then again you find youself back in the rude singleworld...

It doesnt matter if you take drugs or not. It doesnt matter if he fucked your Ex or if you ve beaten him up. Fact is that something is happening which isnt right in your eyes and you should fucking do something.
you should be dr phil nr2 goddamnit!
fight her dad
if shes worth it fight for it or else smoke some and chillax
=D talk some real deep shit talk with the parents or something remember to be complete honest about everything (except u smoke weed sometimes), nvm the brother if your not a complete fuck up he will accept u after time.. nvm how i wrote it. im serious about it
stab him
kill him with fire
Be a man and dump that bitch. Then you're free to smoke all the pot and drink all the beer you want to.
ps.. i smoke weed but lets be honest, its not a drug ;D

i like your style.

ps. keep fucking and trucking
if you have a dick that fills her up nicly you have nothing to worry about
yup ask here on crossfire.
just look for another chick ,she aint that hot.
drink beer and smoke pot with the dad
nice referal link

direct link :)
lol nicely referrlinked yourself lololol :d
Ignore her brother. If she fucks off, who cares. Don't chase --> replace.
oO interesting view.
What a Zen attitude. Had no idea you were such a player :D
I'm just a clued up mofo, not a player.
Looks like 'IRL COOLMASTER' title needs to be passed on from Perfo.
I can't compare to a rock star!
ccare about the others around u imo. its ur life. if she cant accept or w/e look outside enough other girls
i have heard of these mythical creatures..
didnt met them in rl??!
people keep saying they exist, but i'm still not quite convinced
u sir tatatatam just replied to a girl! a fantastic tvbh^^
No, seriously, i don't believe this!
I'm afraid i'm gonna need proof...

pics over inet are no proof :P

guess we gotta find some other way then... :}
ventrilo action incoming! should be best proof. :)
Listen to Biggie and stand above that bullshit.
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