lolly problem

Morning cf!

For one week already i m having quite a strange problem in my flat and maybe one of you guys knows what its caused by.

I m living in a flat with my gf for 2 years already and since one week, our living room seems to be "electrifying".
We just have some wooden floor in the whole flat, no carpet in any of the rooms.

Just by walking around in the livingroom i m somehow charging myself so when i touch some metal i instantly get an electric shock.
it doesnt matter what i m wearing, even when walking around naked, i m getting charged.
The funny thing is, that its just in the living room and i really dont have an idea what its caused by.
I also dont really know, what exactly i should google for so i m hoping that one of you may know the problem :P

thanks in advance

image: LOLpic
I have no idea what it could be caused by, but we had the same problem on our vacation with the [ger]Wasserhahn[/ger]. If I touched the water I would get permanent electric shocks from it... maybe you should ask an electrician about your problem.
eternal gratefulness
hah i also had this once on vacation in greece
Had the same @ my summerjob when I was folding sheets. Every time I touched the cart they transport the sheets in, I got a massive shock :( Luckily I didn't have to it that long. My parents said it's because when I rub over the sheet, static electricity channels to my body so that when I touch something metallike, I get a shock ( parents gave a better explanation, forgot half of it already :( )
if you stay long enough in the living room you can be ZEH new superhero!! i'll call you electr0!!
wool socks, gloves etc

deal with it :p
you guys recently got a new couch? my brother's old couch caused that like MAD :D

I rly hate it, have it sometimes at home aswell, even though we got tiles all over the place and no carpets. depends on the clothes / shoe combination, but I'm quite sure my couch has something to do with it aswell xD
wear rubber boots
Fucking love troll physics!
hahahahahahhahahahaha XD
It cant be helped. Enjoy your electricity.
maybe it got colder the last 2 weeks? so ur probably wearing woolen socks etc.

But another contributing factor is the low humidity, which means everything is very dry (especially in heated rooms). Since water is a good conductor, the lack of a microscopic moisture film on all surfaces means that small electrostatic charges cannot be earthed and can build up to charges that are noticeable upon discharge.
i would also go for wool clothings / different shoes (some of mine always loading me up regardless which ground im walking on). or for having this problem without clothing at all.. do u have an floorheating ? :)
only other thing i could think about is like diclo said some kind of shortcut to some metallic part in ur room ( which would bring me back to the floorheating)
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