Bodybuilding for pros ! #6

Here's some little package for 1 month.


(NEW myofusion just came to Poland!)

random vid.

sw1ruz > AlexL
Clash of the titans :D
swirus is just a wannabe -,-'
be proud to die soon! :)
be proud to be stupid for life! :)
well i think it s overrated crap. I m doing workout without those chemical shit which is nonesense in my eyes
that's why u look like shit.
i bet i would knock you out with one hit mr ;)
without a doubt m8.
watch out what he is saying, he learned from bruce lee
grützi wohl! <3
you would have to find him first

(tip: look down)
bodybuilding is about sculpting and aesthetics...not fighting talent:x

if you want to be a brawler do a martial art, don't bodybuild
i do muay thai. But the training effects your body as bodybuilding does - just in a useful way.
i also do muay thai :) some jiu jitsu and western boxing too!

i do weights too...more powerlifting than bodybuilding though, since i only focus on compound lifts and i'm not too fussed about definition
now its just overrated crap? in ur latest comment it was poison. If we talk more you go to shop and buy ?
ofc - no need to discuss with you retard.
shit brands, they will harm ur health.

get optimum nutrition or muscletech. or dont get anything
pics of physique now or get lost
shit man, im ripped without taking that stuff :D
show pic of yourself
how can u eat this shit ??? -- i prefer a nice steak or a great mix of salad
Well u r mostly drinking it, not eating.
yeah but it mostly fills up your stommach like a steak do
Yeah, but it gives you some stuff you need (which ofc you can get from food), but this one is really easier to absorb. You know what I mean, right?
i know what u mean yes -- i went to the gym too 15 years ago, and sometimes i drunk a egg drink or ate creatin but that was all -- and i still do more kg than some guys do with arms bigger than mine -- but than i recognized its sensless and stoped with this sport

btw i read in some book didnt remember the title its not so healty to feed yourself with chemical vitamines - was an esoteric book - because in the food there arent only the vitamines and proteins there is also the energy from the sun which is more important for us
how much money do u actually spend on that stuff? is it really expensive?
its like eggs in from of powder
3 months supply cost me around 230€
damn, thats alot :p
Yeh, it's not the smartest thing to spent on rly, even tho most of the stuff doesn't give any friggin effect at all it gives u the feeling they do and well, if u spent this much on such junk u just need to go to that gym and can't make up some excuses:p Would be even more waste of money
If had the money I'd do the same, as soon as you've spend that much it pretty much guarantees you're going to go to the gym a fair bit otherwise its wasted money! :D
I can also make a photo of the stuff they got in the sportsmarket :P Doesen't "proof" you're strong and sporty.
cu @ lan then.
Don't want to.
So much useless supplies, didnt you say somewhere that you cant afford this stuff monthly? Wouldnt it be wiser to just buy original whey which you could afford constantly, every month?

And you are only training half of your body, why you state this is "for pros" ?
He's a noob, if he'd really know something about bb he'd just get a high grade whey protein and get rid of those extra bcaa's, glutamin, protein and the vitamins... Guy prolly eats pizza and kebabs all day aswell..

no use even trying to explain anything to them, they're so full of natural growth in young age they can grow off eating any crap...

he'll just have to figure out the mistakes he's making the hard way which makes me happy :D
Quoteget rid of those extra bcaa's, glutamin, protein and the vitamins

no comment needed.
they're not fucking needed you fucking wannabe fatmuscle ugly ass motherfucker
just shut ur mouth and enjoy the show would u?
Actually the only positive side I found on quitting weight training years ago ( :( ) and starting it now again, is that I could easily correct the mistakes I did as I was younger... Would have been much harder to do it after years of constant training.

(yes, i did that pizza/kebab-stuff + drank lots of protein drinks = bulking...) Now I eat much more wisely and from clean resources. And of course Im "bulking" now as well but more wisely, not taking excessively much calories over my intake.

Not to mention using progressive training methods + better forms now
Well I think everyone struggles with proper form and junkfood when they start out but there's so much info on how to train and and especially eat right... It just boggles my mind that someone that's obviously sacrificing so much money to get in shape can't find the fucking time to read the decades of experience that's on the internet...

And then they start taking steroids cuz they're endochrin system is being castrated by shitty nutrition and redicoules workout routines, that train the same muscle every other day, making them not have the gains they desire.. Oh jeez I wonder why...

nuff ranting for today, too stressfull thinking about how stupid people are :D
insti laying the smack down
show a pic to proof u > alexl
what the hell does all this stuff actually do??
Gives you muscles and face
meh, you'd never catch me eating that shit, i don't need muscles, i have fingers of a god
I need such fingers too :P
i love playing guitar, you should start, it's never too late! just think how much ass you'd get with muscles, and awesome guitar skills??
haha .. not : D
u need some sustanon + deca
i got an 8 pack
I used to have one too! Pic or never happened!
no pics atm:P
So no 8pack!
in 1 serving of a good whey are already 6g BCAAs br0seph
he's fucking retarded, don't bother
nobody gives a fuck
wnb arnold
I bet your piss is very expensive, but maybe you should add some pure testosteron supplements...just to be sure, you know.
W gazetce MD byla reklama ze nitrotech buduje 3.5kg miesnia w tydzien :D
myoufusion zajebiste w smaku bialeczko
shotgun zajebisty nobooster, bcaa zmien an activlaba taniej wychodzi a jakosc ta sama
a i pokaz zdjecie nog !

A i jakie nowe myofusion ?
w kutasa se to strzykawka wcisnij i bedziesz mial do kolana
kolejny znawca ssa :D
ja tak zrobilem i mi odpadl
A lot of money for a month methinks?
only need whey

thats all

rest is obsolete
A shame your face is ugly as hell.
why don't u just eat normal food? you grow a lot better with normal food & it doesnt cost that much
I have a strict diet don't worry. with those suplements I will achieve what I want faster and better.
<insert i want to believe pics>
waste of money
get face and body pls
winstrol > all

Bodybuilding is for people with low selfesteem.
+ 84756934652345
it's exercise, and for those who do it, doesn't have to be vain
seriously no one gives a shit
for me better buy more liters of vodka instead of this shit
I dont drink :D
Crossfire 3.2 - A Bodybuilding Community
you look shit.
Supplements will help, but they won't form the foundation of a successful body builder. Stick to the basics, your diet is the key to success. Lean meat, vegetables, quality carbohydrates etc. Then train with intensity and allow plenty of rest!
Oh Mztik

You know everything about Enemy Territory AND muscle training!
I'm actually a gym enthusiast and I study biomedical sciences. My dissertation is: "genetics predisposing to obesity or leanness". So I'm quite knowledgeable about these things.

Quotedissertation: genetics predisposing to obesity or leanness

Could you please rewrite this with simple English because Im not quite sure if I understand :D Do you mean that you are specialized on how genetics affect gaining muscle / fat?
I guess it's about the grade to which people are predisposed by genetics to become fat or slim and muscular. But writing a paper about it doesn't mean he's specialized, just more knowledgeable than most people on crossfire ;)
Yea I googled what 'dissertation' means and understood it
can i read it when it's done?:0
No. No you can't.
why're you browsing this when it's so old
because he's a loser :D?
so the same logic applies to you, right?
I've been refreshing for the last week trying to find a way to work in a joke about black people being genetically predisposed to liking Fried Chicken. So you could say that.
get muscle and face
Im not some random guy who has some money and buy random suplements without any knownledge about this shit. Im in bb for some time and I know exactly what Im doing. With strict diet which I have, good training and suplements which are rly needed trust me on this, I will achieve what I want faster, better. After some years I will be able to take steroids and still grow like I want.
Enjoy your post cycle side-effects LOL supplements aren't necessary by the way, they _can_ help though yes.
There will be no side-effects :) ofc they aren't necessary but can HELP A LOT.
That's VERY naive to say. Do some reading, even with estrogen blockers etc. You WILL experience side-effects. If steroids had no side-effects don't you think everyone would do them other than the most elite of natural body builders?
Every drug has side effects. u can take pill of vitaminc C and have some side-effect. There is no safe drug and never were but if u know how to take this shit everything gonna be ok or side-effect will be very low. Take a look on pro bodybuilders. they're on juice for couple years atleast with some short breaks and they're feeling great. U need to have some knownledge about steroids or better take a doctor and do cycles "with him". my english isnt so good to explain u like I want :DDD but I hope u get sth.
wow now you're a kickboxer huh?
i bet your not even deadlifting 100kg but pretend to be a coleman :D
kickboxer...awesome movie!
saw that movie yesterday:D
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