Cant connect with SLAC to ET lately

So this is the problem: When I start up ET through SLAC, 8 out of 10 times, ET keeps jumping back to my dekstop and back to ET again. I already tried to remove the command line, enter etmain instead of etpro, and I cant delete an intro movie of ET either since there isnt any. This is really annoying, since I cant play any officials atm and my team is in the OC finals :x Please help me asap!

Already opened a support ticket+made a post on the SL Anticheat forum, but didnt had any replies so far, thats why Im also trying to find an answer here =)

mind had this. u need to turn firefox off or so
doesnt work either
Sounds like you got banned.
spam the dev on irc
click 10000000 times while it does that. it will go away. no joke
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