Chaos mod

I write little about that,who dont know about that:
Scennative aka Scenna has created the best mod I've ever played. The mods name is Chaos.

It's pretty hard to describe this mod as it has a lot of cool features. I'd say it's a mix between the best mods you've ever played, combined it's best features and added several new game features. I will post a few of these features, as Scenna has made a few videos about it.
image: 2zokw1z

The homepage of this mod is

New features:
New HUD -
New weapons
New sounds
New options
New blood effect -
Flashbangs -
And many others. If you want to see them, download his alpha testing release on the website.

My suggestion is, to make a server with this mod when it's officially released in 2011. I predict this mod is going to be one of the most popular ones.

Name: .EA#ChaosXPS
Version: Chaos Mod 0.1.7
ET: 2.55/2.60b
Max. Player: 40
Gametype: Objective
Server location: France

Name: AG Chaos Mod Server
Version: Chaos Mod 0.1.6
ET: 2.60b
Max. Player: 23
looks pretty cool :)

i think it will be really good for publics.
I think it's not so cash of an idea to make a mod NOW for ET, I'd rather have waited for xreal to be released. Or is that irrelevant to a mod?
xreal is a standalone client afaik
XReal is basically just a new ET.exe you put over your old one (and a couple of .pk3's in etmain I believe). Most mods should be compatible with it, bar ETPro thanks to the built-in anticheat.
looks funny tbh : )

Instantly not cool anymore
nice fake achievements :D:D

he even failed at deleting them completely
Quote [
looks good but still needs a lot of work ;>
it is fun indeed
Yeah, also needs respawning removed, and every map needs to get these two objectives and give a bomb to the other team. Oh, and remove that gay strafejumping bug, it's been abused long enough.
I dont really like this changed gameplay (those UGLY ultraet elements)

The hud stuff looks good.
The changed holding of the weapons.. or the Grenade skin is well made aswell.

But for me the best Pub mods are Nitmod (Mod with ETPro hitboxes <3) than besides Nitmod comes Nq.
How come can they have ETPro hitboxes if ETPro source isn't public?

Regardless, all of the public mods have some very minor and annoying issues that make playing them enraging. For example, on Jaymod the garand (sniper and RG) reloading takes around two seconds too long. After the animation is finished it still takes ~2s until you can shoot again. On Nitmod, on the other hand, there's this about 1 second delay before you can fire a sniper after you've put on the scope - making it practically impossible to do any of the cool trixx that made the class useful in normal gameplay :-P.

And not to mention all the server-breaking bugs that to my understanding are only fixed on NoQuarter by default, every other mod (including ETPro) needs shit like combinedfixes.lua or Quake Multi Mod.
Hmm, dunno, it's officially stated that there are ETPro hitboxes and it really feels like so.
People complain about not able to snipe heads while someone is proning.. (typically ETPro stuff imo)

But that chaos mod is kinda heavy with the hard blood effect. There is much stuff which goes away pretty hard from the original ET game, which is disturbing me.

Ye and the delay in Nitmod.. hm, might be true, the best thing would be to report it / suggest that on their forums.
I believe it might be intentional - there is no such delay in ETMain as far as I know.

Anyhow, I might post on the forums now that you mentioned it. It would be fun to be able to rage players on random publics properly with snipergunpewpew.
Fucking shit admins.
and what about fps drop :D?
looks good :'D
flashbangs loool
looks somehow even funny, but still..

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