GTV Download Base : Files missing :(


apparantly no one ever bothered to inform us that some shoutcast files are missing.

We currently noticed that we are missing the following ET Masters mp3 shoutcast files :

Name Description Files Size Added
Shoutcast: zeroPoint! Gaming vs. Impact Gaming Shoutcaster (most certainly): TosspoT Distributio... 1 16.96 Mb 02.04.07
Shoutcast: TLRVSNETR.mp3 Dedicated to the poker players of TLR Shoutcaster... 1 20.45 Mb 27.03.07

If anyone would have this two files stored somewhere, it would be greatly appreciated if you could make them available via FTP so i can put them back on my GTV Download Base server.

Thanks for the help :)

The GTV Crew