new screen!

So i got the Samsung SyncMaster 2233RZ now

and i need to get my fov calculated :P past screen was a normal 19 incher new one is 22 inches :) the fov i use is 103, what should i use now? :P

e: Gon buy 3D card then watch 3D porn bitcheeees!
keep 103
samsung P2450HD here
official wcg2009 backup LCD <3
good choice i have a syncmaster too
same, or if u like to keep old size at all, play with r_fullscreen 0
u became such a nerd man :/ What happened to this world :(
:D i keep my swag up with my own profit from the drug dealing mate
ah ye, I used to deal in spaghetti shit man :PPPP
Inches don't matter. Aspect ratio does
use the same
take lower : P 90 ~ =]
depends on aspect ratios
Nerd getting birthday presents before birthday... what has world come to?
still use 4:3
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