dnb poem

By some guy who sent it to HospitalRecords

Hospitality rarely greets, in the this ancient city of textile and wheat

However whenever it does

A massive positivity spreads through its moods,

As loyal ravers prepare their tools, having waited 4 months

In timescales distorted by the youth that is described as being forever,

But let’s not worry it is finally here, and for the better

A Standard procedure, is followed in near religious fever

On the Phone you hear Meet Hare and Hound,

This is a signal crystal clear, that a hospitality night is near

The night is young; the urban youth is released from the dreary shackles

The line-up is confirmed, any doubts begin to fade…

High Contrast, Logistics, Netsky, MRSA

Hosted at Stealth, Carefully being orbited and watched by our ancient city of lace

Is this the Craze?

The pub banter entertains, however it’s our time to move

Excited apprehension, smears through the nervous system, It does not last yet soothes

As Past memories delight, in a sudden explosion of image and sound

You have been here before, the scene is set

The mood is clear; at this stage only one thing is certain

Drums are overpowering sound waves

Hospitality is about to ravage this Midlands stage

Is this the Craze? High Contrast takes to the reigns

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!

A heavy bass line rips through the crimson lit Stealth

It does not come as surprise to most, apart from the out of place girls sporting high heels

The ladies become aware this is a rave as steel and concrete move with ease as if it were the sea

The venue erupts, in a volcanic passion

Caused by a magic Russian Bottle ascending in volume and speed

Reaching for the lasers, for they are strobes of life giving energy

From this emerges rhythmic movement, in various wonderful unimaginable ways

Some just wonder in a daze

Your senses are tingling; the science of memory is a distant past

A unique state occurs no matter how you were raised

Everyone is united in their everlasting praise

For this music, we know as DRUM and BASS

Pure ecstasy over whelms this vast and beautiful maze,

The night takes control of you; you find it’s a tight and wonderful embrace,

You’re safe you have reached the desired stage

It never fails to amuse, the various different types of people

All united with one beat

All wired up to this rave, as the city slowly wakes it is defiantly taking place

A collision course with social structure is set

People will interact and others who were not there will join

Shared through the amazing tales that will reach land afar, high and wide

As the lucky who attend shall reminisce

Through all possible human languages and mediums

YouTube and Facebook, how quick easy for us find again, relive the moment

What an immense emotion of joy that was gifted, by this night

For 8 hours all life’s problems are lifted, out of sight

Gratitude amongst the lucky few is universal even though it has long since been daylight

Is it this the Craze? One thing is sure

This is epic music in all its simplicity and grace

Brought to life by artist who has a connection with this music

Glowing brightly from his heart, from his core

Like an infectious disease it spreads through the air

The Poem below arrived in Tony ‘London Elektricity’ Colman’ inbox the other day. We thought it only fair we give it an airing on the Hospitality blog.

Thanks to them it glows from the heart of us all who let it

Yes! To me there is no doubt

This is Drum ND Brass, Electrifying and inspiring out of the standard human maze

This is my generation’s unspoken craze

old >_>
gd one though
inb4 delete
me = sad :( tomorrow FUCKING early FUCKINGFUCK
:D watchin hot fuzz now but need to dl second part so i came back online
Let's try

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