ban expired

My crossfire ban expired today -> made me very happy cuz i'm ill, just went to school for the first hour but can''t be arsed to sit there untill half past 4. so how you guys doing?

you haz cute voice
Jay-Z - Ain't no nigga
The Decemberists - Shiny

iam doing ok .... got marketing and advanced communication practice later till 7pm ... after that iam gonna hit the gym with a friend ... after that iam going to a mall to get some more lowfat no sugar yoghurts as they are awesome ... after that iam going to play LoL atm maining Jax but i wanna go back to pantheon :I ... after that iam gonna work with some Open Source ERP tools as i have to write a article about some after that sleep coz i got class early in the morning ._____. SQL
oh and iam gonna learn ERP II on tuesday as i got a exam soon .... 13th december i believe ... .__. and another presentation on the 20th December.

Editors - Spiders
My glove tells me that I have a cold toe.
PM me your LoL nick
buy voicechanger naow
make him sound like a smurf for a change
high-pitched voice aaaaaaaah my ears aaaaah
thought everyone was unbanned with the awesome introduction of CF 3.2?? and they werent gonna ban anyone anymore?? fucking shit admins.
Nice to see you submitting the nazi regime on this site, maybe the flaming has something to do with the admins rather than me? think about it. You seem to be more into status whoring rather than serving the community.You're a terrible admin, you've asked the users for input and nothing is done with it. Whenever people ask you a question you either dont reply at all or get on your high horse for no apparent reason. Look at how many people are complaining about the staff, look into your heart (if you even have one) and see its not the public. It's starting to look like North Korea, ridiculous. just revoke rights or ban people you dont like cause they call you out on shit.

Much love from carlos :3
lol carlos mad*
should be banned again for this shitty journal
should be banned again for this shitty journal
vid_restart bug ":D"?
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