Fitness nuriture advice

Hey Crossfire community

As I already saw some topics about/from bodybuilders I thought you could also give me some advice.
I got a more or less balanced diet, but I'm eating pretty much.
I play floorball once a week for 2 hours, got schoolsport for 2:15 hours, go to fitness mostly twice a week (~2:30 hours).
I'd like to gain some weight, but not damage my body (as with doping). Would you propose me some protein additions (like those in swirus' journal) or just go on like I did till now? Do those protein additions have a negative side?

Actually I'm athletic, but not overtrained :P 172cm tall and 67kg heawy, but no fat.

Thanks already for your help ;)
Ask Tw1zZt!
well i eat loads of tuna, also raw meat is one of my favourites even tho some people claim it's unhealthy:D, lots of protein anyways and keeps the hunger away

Also got various sorts of additional vitamins etc etc but food's pretty much the most important thing along with the training
You need to bulk right up = eating eating eating, have plenty of protein, then after you get your desired bulk then go to cut and repeat. But for now just eat loads less cardio :((((
are you the Fox's panda? if so, i love your bisquits
eat some good stuff.
Well if you want to start gaining muscle mass you need to prioritize it over floorball. Start eating 5-6 meals a day / at least 30g protein per meal.

Theres no negative sides in whey or other normal supplements except for maybe making your skin go bad (zits and pimples) You dont need any protein powder if you get enough protein and energy from basic normal food

Picture says more than a million words

image: squatsnoats
You are not able to absorb more than 30g of proteins from one single meal. Read about it somewhere.
Yes I have read about it as well and I have acknowledged it but I dont care, I take around 30-45g per meal.
You sure thats proven? Have read a lot of different stories about this, but I believe what I wrote in the comment under this to be right.
I agree with you what you said
thats bollocks afaik, the average body should be able to digest 50-60g per time... 30g is nothing. Your body might be less effective in digesting after 30g but it still takes in protein after that.
Well I want to gain the muscle mass to compensate my 'small' height. That I can push away the enemies easier ;)
Well exactly things like a deformation of the skin do keep me off those protein supplements, do you know anything more about it or can you give me a good link?
Just try them and see if anything happens
Sure :) Anyway thanks for the tips ;)
you a /fit/izen?
Nope but I like these comics
odd, i could've sworn
For information its the shittest source I have ever seen
best place for broscience
You can get plenty of protein supplements that aren't harmful to you. Taking additional protein doesn't lump you into the same category as the hardcore body-builders on here.

I use the maximuscle line of products (Maximuscle) and they have a wide variety of different supplements designed to produce different results.

When I'm exercising or whatever, I tend to loose my appetite. Having additional shakes helps me gain enough nutrition/protein to stop me feeling ill.

Apart from that eat regularly and cut out all processed food, only fresh will do.

I'm pretty casual but when I get time, that works for me. :-)
Yeah I also thought that taking a small amount of those protein supplements wouldn't do too bad and also make me look like a hardcore body-builder :)

Well it's normal that you do not feel hungry while you're doing sports (sympathetic nervous system stimulates the heart, but reduces the activity of the digestive system). I do not plan to kind of disturb my body.

Eating fresh food is a good thing, which I try to pay attention on :) Thanks for the tips, but unfortunatelly the link doesent work here, it gets redirected to
Try the link now, I'm just a silly penis.

I just struggle to eat a lot of food, I've never had a massive appetite and when you're supposed to take in something like 4000 calories a day (Good ones as well) I find it really hard.

Maximuscle do a great range of powders, check it out!
you train for 2:30 two times a week with weights? you'll end up burning down your muscles. limit your workouts to maximally 90 minutes, otherwise you'll overtrain your body. try to minimize the breaks between your sets to 1 minute (keep the blood flow up).

then the typical stuff like buying yourself a nice whey-protein, lots of sleep, stay focused at the gym, train hard and consistent. leave out the heavy cardio-sessions if you want to be bigger (rather use them for a nice warmup before your gym-session), you'll burn down fat easier with weights than with cardio anyway. in addition make sure to eat healthy: meat, vegetables, eggs, whole grain - stuff for the good carbs, cottage cheese, tuna, fish and focus on omega3 fats (flax seed oil is quite nice).
Hehe, nono I do train around 90 mins per session, but usually I'm also talking pretty much. So as you said I should try to focus more on the training.
I also tend to not sleep enough, one more reason to change that ;)

Two more questions:
- Any good links / infos concerning the whey-proteins?
- What do you mean with heavy cardio-sessions?

Thanks for the tips :)

that's the whey-protein I had before, it was one of the best ones I've ever used. you'll need to spend around 45euro's for the bucket with 2,3kg (75 shakes). should last for a long time if you keep driniking a shake after every gym-session. you can also order one of these buckets that cost you like 20euro's, but afaik they're quite bad when it comes to quality and consistency!

some info about whey in general. in addition you might register an account on a BB-forum just to inform yourself about nutrition and weight training. reading all these articles will help you the most!
Thank you very much! Will probably pm you when I informed myself a bit further ;) What are you training?
somehow i cant imagine u as a big guy (voice) ;D
I'm not the real taff tough guy :D Just interested in sports and fitness :)
Your perfect as you are now. Why would you want to gain weight? Stay athletic with good endurance instead of becoming a puffy Michelin-man.
Well especially ice hockey and waterpolo players (informed myself about them) usualy got an other weight / height ratio.

weight [kg] / height[cm] - 100

is usually a bit higher than 1 there. That's what I also wanted to reach. But I just planned doing it slowly and I wanted to do around 15 mins stretching after each train.
The biggest problem (as you can notice on crossfire) is that it quickly turns into an obsession.
Imo just keep doing the sports you love, raise the frequency/intensity and do some additional usefull strenght exercises. If you combine that with healthy food (no retarded diets), you will be in excellent shape for the things you really enjoy doing.
you won't get big overnight so don't worry about looking HUGE
That wasn't my fear. I was rather concerned about other negative effects like a higher cancer risk or small balls.
without steroids impossibleu, just eat LOADS of meat,poultry,turkey and cottage cheese and curd and stuff. keep it down on the sugar, cut out soft drinks -> profit
From protein, really??! :D The only advice ill give you is buy a helmet.
Not from proteins. But usualy in those boxes aren't just proteins. I just had no clue if any of them could harm to me.
haha well ok, but i guess like the others here said you should just stick with protein supplements unless you want to gain fast and you know what you're doing (not that there's any real health risk with legal supplements, but if you dont use them right they have no effect). Just try to train min 3x per week and short but powerful - and get 2g protein per kg of bodyweight per day and a lot of carbs.
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