Writers out there..


I have to do a small article on the subject "graffiti" to school tomorrow. We are supposed to use as many type of sources as possible and I still need an interview done by myself. I have had some talk on the matter with few mates I know who used to do graffiti, but I would be very happy to include some foreign "artist" thoughts as well.

Since it is already a bit too late to do a proper interview anymore, I would like to hear from writers about the question "What graffiti means to you?"

Answer(s) will be anonymous on my article so you don't have to worry about that, and if it is very personal, I will check my pm's as well.

I know this is not the best place to ask for a such thing, but also this is the only forum that I am actively using and registered in. Also I am not showing you my newest sneakers or giving out any recipes so my request isn't that bizarre I guess..

Anyway, thank you if you decide to help me out!

(You don't have to be a graffiti artist to give an opinion though, the article will be better if it houses many kinds of thoughts about the matter. You need to include if you have done graffiti or not though, so that the references will be correct.)
never done graffiti and prolly never will.
It's nice to watch when you pass by, but it doesn't really interests me.
sometimes when it snowed i go outside and make pictures with my pee
thats not graff fuckface :D
The creative ones are very nice to look at and I admire professional sprayers. However, "LOL I WUZ HERE LOLOLOLO" is just plain necessary and dirt.
No related picture? Here you go

image: 4278_1d81
nice one :)
it can give a indirect feeling of backwardness/criminality/bad neighbourhood but it's also an art blablabla
graffiti is an art if it is found in the proper environment, in neighborhoods, the decayed walls that can only embellish them, etc; but no matter how nice it would be a graffiti has no place in a historical building, a statue or any other work of art or architecture. if such places exist "forbidden" by the very common sense, this is called vandalism (a true graffiti-er(?) would appreciate art, and cant afford to destroy through his "art" what people created)
Ask Chilecasek and it's maybe rare but I'm not trolling.
thank you, any idea where to find him?
Off atm but he'll be on #synergy.et
He has a store selling stuffs to make graffitis and he's pretty pro with all those related things.
in before Zodiac :D

image: 1291358950000_No_name_3552129708x708r
I think it's a very interesting subject more in terms of a political or social stance. I travel a lot and I'm amazed in the variation of weird things like for example, graffiti. Why do some countries have more than others? It's not necessarily comparing impoverished countries to prosperous ones either., so I'm not sure it's as simple as wealth.
That would really need it's own article, a good point :P
one of the best graffiti movies imo dirty handz

btw your question is too general. Ask smth specific...
being a big fan of hip hop , i can't turn my back on grafiti, another beautifull way of expression.
i think it will even grow in the future; i mean almost everyone heard of banksy
i would like to see trains busses in graffiti, if it's done properly why not ? better than destroying a frontdoor or window:)

@ pedro

the more grafiti the bigger the ghetto, this phrase is often still true, atleast here in my country
je weet niks
loop dan zelf maar es rond in brussel en omstreken
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