Help me out friends!

I enterered in a contest over at Good Old Games (Awesome site, you should definitely check it out if you haven't)

In the contest you had to make your own gaming inspired Christmas Carol. 15 entries were chosen amongst 150 entries or so, and my entry was chosen amongst them :D

The winner will be the creator behind the entry which most people has voted for.. And he or she will receive 10 games from and some other cool stuff :) So if you'd all be so kind and vote for my entry it'd make me a very happy man <3

All you have to do is to send an email to [email protected] with the subject "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" as that is the song I've used as an inspiration for my entry ;) Your allowed to vote once a day until this Thursday when the contest ends.. :)

You can check out my entry and the other ones over at the GoG site via this link. If you read my lyrics I'd suggest you have the original song playing in the background as you read it ;)

Thanks (: And have a nice Christmas.
Done, hope u win : )
thank you handsome <3
you;re welcome friendly Swede : )
done, gl.
done :)
Voted! :)
Nice lyrics zymonm8 :D

voted <3
Thanks guys :D Much appreciated! <3
Done, and GL.
done! GL :)
thanks! :)
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