good morning peepz III

Hi peepz & girls!
Another good morning this week. Okay I had no good morning due to argues with someone at work.
I hate to discuss in the morning. So I’m bit pissed today!!!!

1. What r u doing to enter (gives vent to) ur aggressions?
2. How does a typical weekend look like for u?
3. When u meet friends, do u share hobbies (e.g. sport, gaming)?

Shoutout2: maxim, my buddies, vaiko and olbaaaaaaaaa & my girls


Pic : image: Kerli++on+Kroonika+3
hint: spank

I thought a angel like you would never have negative emotions?

sometimes i do have them !!!!
The girl on the picture has a to small ass:(
sry! i like the pic
It's not about what you like :/

It's your duty to entertain the users with a sexy picture.

Daughter.. I'm dissapoint.
:( cmon i have bad mood today so its my day, be happy i didnt post a boy!
morning :=)
good morning :)
FINALLY a morning journal!!!! :D

1. I usually just yell at things.. like my TV, laptop, the table, my headset or the doorbell.
2. Monday-Friday: University (I usually skip monday and tuesday :3)
Monday&Friday: Work (tho I'm at work today aswell... -.-)
Saturday/Sunday: Occasional work / Meet friends / Nerdnerdnerd / Sleep <3
3. I don't really know if eating cake and watching stupid TV Shows is a hobby :D
i'm not rly good in controlling my aggressions (see profile) eventhough i'm a calm person normally :O(
1. What r u doing to enter (gives vent to) ur aggressions?
2. How does a typical weekend look like for u?
3. When u meet friends, do u share hobbies (e.g. sport, gaming)?

1.Im normal,dont whine,if some teacher failz on me I say "So?",Im not mad
2.Monday-friday is school+football and swimming.Saturday-sunday I have party with my friendss
3.My hoppy is magic tricks,doing this for 6years now,wanna beat David Copperfield:)
I collect all the rage within and one day it's a simple click in my head and I'll go on a killing spree, I'm a Finn after all.
im thinking about same !
Good morning :)

1. Sport or beating nerds up
2. Snowboarding! and in the evenings party hard or nerd in front of the pc
3. Most likely in the afternoon after school and at weekends, often having some great fun at snowboarding/ski or we play some tennis
we share drinking hobbie with my friends :)
1.Destroy smth, 2. Gaming one night, random going out the other, 3. Yes, ps:at uni on my cellphone, thats why my answer is short

1. Weights or just stoppin n calmin down lol
2. Games with mates on xbox online, or et, then going out the other day, or going out both days if good things are on at clubs
3.Ye, football, basketball etc etc!

Nice pic aswell :]
no shoutout for me so gtfo
heul doch^^
madame , can u please talk english, weil die behidnerten admins das wollen?
:((( why so mad?
just pissed due to work.. :/
kopf hoch, die andern leute können dir am arsch vorbeigehen.
also :) wie lange musste noch arbeiten?
us guys are in the office but they wanna leave at 6 to xmas market. will se if i gonna join them, if not i leave at 6 :p so oder so^^
oho da packt se aus mit englisch :D dann sind ja "nur" noch 5 h : ----D
viel spaß :P
merci vielmals. arbeitest aber ziemlich lange...von 8-18 uhr?!
as if i would start at 8 :p

never 9 10 sometimes :)
haha du faule sau. und bestimmt muss dein freund dann immer abends kochen für dich :P
neee kochen tue ich ;)
also ich würde sowas ja sofort übernehmen..:)
macht er auch wenn ich spaet komme ;) aber sonst mach ich es
was für ein süßer kerle. :D kann er gut kochen?
hehe jo mittlerweile ja :)
so lunch break over! bb
ok, dann wieder viel spaß beim schaffen. bibabubay
I either shower/take a bath or swear at things. My typical weekend is that I work on either saturday and sunday and go out on the other day and try not on the evening before work but I usually end up going anyway. I guess I don't have any hobbies that I can share with my friends. We usually just talk about our general interests such as football, girls, parties, holidays and/or gossip about our friends.
you better come on vent and play some scrims :[
im at work :)
and your spamming on crossfire ai ai , boss wel not be happy :DDDDDDD
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