mx518 scroll problem

since my old mx518 was getting a bit dirty i decided to take the mx518 i bought for my laptop.

However with the new mouse i cant scroll up and down, i can only press MOUSE3 and then move my mouse up and down.

Does anyone had/have the same or got any solution?

Thanks in advance.

image: meerminmanenmosseljongen
fix it with setpoint? =D
Go to your setpoint settings, and change the scroll distance to 3lines?
image: scroll

I know you have a other Control panel but its like this a bit :<
do you have a stable mouserate? how high?
it should work fine, even with ps/2 adapter.. just reinstall it, if you're using setpoint try uninstalling that..
who uses setpoint lol
Lodge a small piece of carrot BEHIND the scroll wheel (not infront).

Worked for me.
in this case i wouldnt recommend you a piece of carrrot because carrots like to become mellow after some time.
a single maize kernel should fit better!
See, a maize kernal was my first thought but with my work schedule, it just wasn't possible. When I have time, I think i'll replace it, but untill then, the carrot is holding up perfectly.
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