
What kind of a person "hipster" is? I always hear things about hipsters in negative light so it cant be anything good, right?

I also heard that Meez and Scarzy are hipsters. :o

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Hippie + new age kewl guy = hipster ?
hipster = newfag + hippo

image: Hippo-Yawn
thought its about shorts :o
do you know what "being hip" means?

well if you do, i'm sure it's not gonna be too difficult to connect those two things
I dont know what it means
hip 2 (hp) also hep (hp)
adj. hip·per also hep·per, hip·pest also hep·pest Slang
1. Keenly aware of or knowledgeable about the latest trends or developments.
2. Very fashionable or stylish.

worse than emos :/
being an emo used to be hip : )
according to devje's link i was wrong, and if it wasnt for my non-hipster clothes i would be a hipster
Lookup meez on facebook.
pretentious faggots
Aren't they underwear?
hipsters are trendy people being called hipsters by uglies and nerds.
dunno but everyone that wears those old ugly converse shoes is fucking gay
i am the ultimate hipster and cool irl guy.
Indie fags with glasses mostly.
they wear those big black glasses (even if they don't have bad eyes).
wierd haircuts
skinny jeans
ride fixed gear bikes
listen to some bullshit indie band , wich they claim to be awesome and underground, but in fact is so shit it will always stay underground.
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