
sorry but didnt read, bitches are fine till they snitches
I like how these comments are miles off the subject :P
I respect women :p
Best creatures on this planet <3 :)
Best creatures to fuck on this planet <3 :)

i fixed it for u ;)

E: stand ur gf behind you?
ye ye. one false accusation but what about all those females that do get raped? ^^
That's not the point? The point is that they made it all up to ruin a guy's life.

It's not 'one false accusation' either, there are plenty out there which is bad. For the men that get accused and the real rape victims out there.

They're not helping anyone, they're only destroying lives.

Yes, rape is horrible, but no, that does not make anyone making false accusation less wrong, quite the opposite. You can't downplay it by saying it 'yeah yeah they made a false accusation, but look over there are real victims'

All this is doing is creating paranoia among men and fear among rape victims.
My point was: How often does this happen? And how often does a girl really get raped? We do not know, since only both of them know what really happened. You are right tho - it is not good for both men and real rape victims.

Wow, now I am trying to type what I want to say for already 10 mins, but don't find the right words, so I'll just leave it. This is a sensitive case.
image: 2cqbtbn

I see 2 geeks, how about u?
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