Overdrive, my friend of misery

ET is drowning with LANS but he has no motivation to play. :(

[19:42] * overdrive^^ ([email protected]) has joined #eesti-veri
[19:42] * Q sets mode: +o overdrive^^
[19:47] * @evidrevo ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:55] <dlul_> lol even overdrive^^ is here
[19:55] <@overdrive^^> first time in half a month or so
[19:55] <@overdrive^^> dont have time for ET atm :'(
[19:55] <Joulu-Slarto> stfu and continue idling
[19:56] <@overdrive^^> besides, 5vs5 killed the game for me
[19:56] <dlul_> well
[19:56] <@overdrive^^> shitloads of lans
[19:56] <@overdrive^^> i know
[19:56] <@overdrive^^> still
[19:56] <dlul_> nobody plays ET anymore here
[19:56] <@overdrive^^> it sucks
[19:56] <dlul_> shitloads of lans ?
[19:56] <@overdrive^^> :D
[19:56] <@overdrive^^> :DDDDDDDD
stop advertising our uber secret chan you retard !
risee: mu hõljuk on angerjaid täis
[19:55] <Joulu-Slarto> stfu and continue idling

image: failure_woman_sad_depressed_bw

image: ddddaf
just pointing out your unique outcome here.

who the fudge checks urls?
no-one I guess
dont think there will be any crossfire lans anymore when this new 5v5 format can bring 2 lans per year :PPP AWESOME. oh wait how many lans there have been this year.. 1? 2? i c shit loads of lans
Aalborg ET lans occuring every 2 months \m/

ET cant die.
5on5 killed ET and overdrive always right.
Quote[19:55] <@overdrive^^> dont have time for ET atm :'(

thats a lie ...

u are almost every night on NeXuS
O-overdrive, o-o-overdrive
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